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Cummins engine

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
Big Muddy valley
I have been having trouble with the block heaters in my 95 Dodge / Cummins. They won't last any time before not working. They don't burst the element they just stop working.
On the insert with the new block heaters it says to follow the "Refill and Bleed the cooling system as described in the service manual".
I can't seem to find out what that is.

Any suggestions other then buying a new truck. :wink:
Big Muddy rancher said:
I have been having trouble with the block heaters in my 95 Dodge / Cummins. They won't last any time before not working. They don't burst the element they just stop working.
On the insert with the new block heaters it says to follow the "Refill and Bleed the cooling system as described in the service manual".
I can't seem to find out what that is.

Any suggestions other then buying a new truck. :wink:

After riding with you in that ol' trooper of an outfit, I believe I'd be more worried about other things than the block heater!!! :lol: Like essential things like the transmission???

Hope someone gives you a better reply than I!

Sorry for beign a smartie...because you did give us a great tour!


TTB :wink:
YOur engine coolant is the antifreeze. The job of the block heater is to keep all that warm. So I guess what it's sayin is your supposed to drain and add all new engine coolant when you put the new block heater in. Maybe for some reason sittin plugged in, as much as I'm sure ya'll hafta do that up there, makes the coolant not as good?

The block heater also keeps your automatic transmission fluid warm. That's a form of "coolant" as well. Might wanna give the dodge dealership a call and just ask them if you should be changin that as well.

Then again, this may be referrin to the oil cooler. That's a mess to work on, I had one go out on my ford diesel...it goes everywhere. Makes a huge mess...and it does hafta be bled after refilling.
Ask someone on this site. It's great for all of us Cummins lovers.

I'd try putting in a circulating heater. I'm not sure how to plumb it in on a newer diesel, but on the older gas engines it was as easy as cutting a heater hose(which ever one is lowest off the engine) and then splice the heater in. I don't know why it wouldn't work. You just have to remember to leave your temperature control,in the cab, at maximum when you park it(so the coolant can circulate).
If that won't work, make sure your insurance is paid up and use the tried and true "tiger torch and stove-pipe" method!! :D
Big Muddy rancher said:
I have been having trouble with the block heaters in my 95 Dodge / Cummins. They won't last any time before not working. They don't burst the element they just stop working.
On the insert with the new block heaters it says to follow the "Refill and Bleed the cooling system as described in the service manual".
I can't seem to find out what that is.

Any suggestions other then buying a new truck. :wink:

I would look in owners manual or call dealer. Some engines maybe affected by the rate it is refilled and may need to have the air bled out. Apparantly, pockets of air can become trapped in certain areas. Filling to fast sounds silly, but may affect how air is trapped and not being able to bleed out on its own.
I forgot to mention or ask, did you check resistance of the block heater and the cord. Maybe a mouse chewed on the chord in a spot. Just a suggestion
lazy ace said:
Fuel is so cheap in Canada just leave it run until spring time. :wink: :lol:

have a cold one

lazy ace

Sounds sensible-- or he could just send Tam out every hour to fire it up for a few minutes :wink: :lol:
sic 'em reds said:
Ask someone on this site. It's great for all of us Cummins lovers.


Thanks Sic'em That is a great forum. I joined and posted my question so hopefully I will have my newly named truck the "Jersey Lisa" back on the road soon.

Who needs a transmission if the truck won't start. :roll:

Actually the noise quit so what ever was making must have fallen off. :wink:

Tim I was looking at a circulating heater but it doesn't look to easy to put one on. Steel lines going to heater ect. :cry:
I'm not sure how those block heaters are made but I'm reasonably sure there is some sort of thermostat . It could be a piece of bi-metal or a solid-state type sensor but anyway if that thermostat goes out, the element would be good but the heater wouldn't work.
Big Muddy rancher said:
I have been having trouble with the block heaters in my 95 Dodge / Cummins. They won't last any time before not working. They don't burst the element they just stop working.
On the insert with the new block heaters it says to follow the "Refill and Bleed the cooling system as described in the service manual".
I can't seem to find out what that is.

Any suggestions other then buying a new truck. :wink:

yeah I have a suggestion,take it to someone that knows what they are doing............big dummie
good luck
The only thing that will burn it out is if theres air in it.

Take or loosen top hose off ,run it till theres no air
greg said:
The only thing that will burn it out is if theres air in it.

Take or loosen top hose off ,run it till theres no air

Greg air is what i think is the problem or a bad batch of block heaters as they all came from the same place. I am getting gun shy about plugging it in as i has put in so many and tried every way I could think of for getting the air out. Heck it bounces around the pasture warmed up, cooled down I even loosened the screw in the middle of the block heater to bleed off what i could. Hard to get the thermostat housing off as it has a Hydrualic pump for a dew eze deck .
I think I will run the truck tomorrow then try plugging it in again.
Change the one in the loader tractor 5.9 L every 3 years . I think you can put it in both ways but if its in the one way it may be too close to the side of the block and burn out. Also think you can get two different lengths and they could be giving you the wrong one. Around this part of the country Block heaters are considered Sacred :)

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