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Cut and baled some oats today

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Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
west chilcotin bc
Started cutting the first field just after the -10 frost went off. It is only 6 acres.





The other field is 10 acres and has a better crop on it




Good crop here.

There is a corner that is wet, sour ground. The only thing that grew well in this corner was Alsike clover. Any of you soil guys have an idea what it is missing? I am getting a soil sample done this fall.


Broke a hose on the discbine 10 rounds into the second field so went baling
The six acres made 53, 50 x 60 inch bales. Dry they would weigh 700 lbs. The ten rounds on the 10 acres made 43 bales.


Silver, got 96 bales today and didn't plug once. :D
Divine intervention do you think?
hmph. And there we have the difference between flails and rolls :?
Looks like a heck of a crop. Ours was similar I think. We averaged 8 bales per acre from a 566 baler 58" tall. Sure is nice to see it under plastic isn't it?
Silver said:
hmph. And there we have the difference between flails and rolls :?
Looks like a heck of a crop. Ours was similar I think. We averaged 8 bales per acre from a 566 baler 58" tall. Sure is nice to see it under plastic isn't it?

We'll be wrapping tommorow. 58 inches? What moisture? Tried baling roughly that size last year at 73% moisture, baler didn't go along with the idea.
gcreekrch said:
There is a corner that is wet, sour ground. The only thing that grew well in this corner was Alsike clover. Any of you soil guys have an idea what it is missing? I am getting a soil sample done this fall.
The oats?? :wink: :roll: :roll: :lol: :lol:

Some fine looking crops and amazingly green still - how late were they seeded?
That oat-based forage is getting a lot of attention in these parts. A lot of it is grown in a 3 way mix made up of oats, barley and peas.

We tried it for the first time and it proved to be a high tonnage yield with acceptable input costs. Ours went in a bit late due to wet weather in April when it should have been planted but still made almost 10 bales) 4' by 56") per acre. My 648 did a little grumbling even at the smaller size.

I think the beasties will love it this winter.
I'm betting those are gonna be some happy cows eating that material. Beautiful stuff, really looked high volume.

Do you also pasture your cattle in those fields after the harvest?

Thanks for the pics.
Thing of beauty. Didn't see any crops like that here this year. I hope you get things wrapped up soon. You need a few days off! :) What did you ask for in the soil sample and what kind of test?
This crop was seeded June 12th and should have been taken off about ten days ago. There are peas mixed in the crop. Our mountain weather will let the peas grow but have never had them pod due to frost.

Haven't done a soil sample yet, I had better get it done in the next day or so as the frost will be coming. I'm thinking a shot of lime may do the trick.
I sure would like it if we could raise somethin like that down here. But it's a winter crop for us. I know some folks plant it, but usually it's used for graze durin the winter. I'd dearly love to plant some and play with it, and see how it done as far as balin it went in the spring.
gcreekrch said:
Silver said:
hmph. And there we have the difference between flails and rolls :?
Looks like a heck of a crop. Ours was similar I think. We averaged 8 bales per acre from a 566 baler 58" tall. Sure is nice to see it under plastic isn't it?

We'll be wrapping tommorow. 58 inches? What moisture? Tried baling roughly that size last year at 73% moisture, baler didn't go along with the idea.

Hard to say.... tester broke :cry: Usually wait a day or two or three to bale if the weather is good, it's nice to get down to 30-40%. I have baled them wringing wet and it seems you have to scrape the rollers off fairly regularly, and make sure the belt lacing is good cuz the suckers are heavy, and JD balers carry the bale in the belts unlike the NH balers.
Big Muddy rancher said:
gcreekrch said:
We ended up with 165 bales, or an average of 3.6 tons dry matter per acre. Too bad there isn't 160 acres. :(

As my mother would say"Are you bragging or complaining?" :D

C'mon BMR, you should know I'm doing both. :D I know it's not much compared to crops some areas can grow but for 4600 ft elevation this far north I'm quite pleased. This crop beat our last record by 30 bales. :D
gcreekrch said:
Big Muddy rancher said:
gcreekrch said:
We ended up with 165 bales, or an average of 3.6 tons dry matter per acre. Too bad there isn't 160 acres. :(

As my mother would say"Are you bragging or complaining?" :D

C'mon BMR, you should know I'm doing both. :D I know it's not much compared to crops some areas can grow but for 4600 ft elevation this far north I'm quite pleased. This crop beat our last record by 30 bales. :D

O thought that was pretty good tonnage. Better then any oats around here this year or most years. :D

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