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Damn it! Not Again???!!!

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Angus Cattle Shower

Well-known member
Feb 25, 2005
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Went fishing last night, and when we got home, we went rite out to the field to bale. Well, we switched fields, but left the 1/2 tonne in the field. Came out this morning and were we ever in for a surprise. Damn bastards broke into the truck, stole everything inside, including my wallet. It was a $30.00 wallet, and there were $50.00 in it! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: They left the fishing stuff tho. That's not all. They emptied out the console, the dash, and the cubby hole. :mad: :mad: Went there this morning and they left the doors open too!!!
This is the second time in two years that this truck was broken into! they took the sockets and the spray (round-up, puma, liberty) and dumped them in a neighbour's field. :mad: Also the took the truck! They left the chem. pump in a lil stream, and they diddn't know how to unhook the trailer, so they took the entirer hitch off (pulled the pin)and took off. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
Now why do people do this? :x :???: :???:
What can we do? :???: :???: :???: :???: :? :?
I had my lil collection of old hotel keys in there!!! (15, in all!) I was saving up for our hunting trip in Hudson Bay, and now it's all down the drain Damn it!
Sorry, but I had to vent! :mad: :evil: :cry: :x
I think about things this way; they WILL stand before our Maker and have to pay account for everything they do. We've had some terrible things done to us, too. What GOES around COMES around! I have proof this saying is so very true.

I feel so bad for you, as we've been there. Just keep thinking their time will come, and it will - sooner or later.

God Bless
:!: :!: :nod: :nod: :!: :nod:
Sorry to hear about your loss, that's frustrating for sure. Those thieves sound a bit too predictable. I'd bait and hunt thieves instead of fish; I bet you could catch them.

In my country there is a 90+ year old man named Billy Wolfmeyer that realized every sunday morning someone was stealing his gas. So Billy sent his wife to church without him and hid in the old out house with a shotgun and a pistol. He caught the thief, but couldn't call the sheriff because he didn't have a phone so he made the thief lay on the ground - in the snow - until his wife got back from church. The thief was happy to see the sheriff's deputy, but the judge didn't take kindly to someone that would thieve from old folks while thay were in church. THe judge gave him 6 months in the county jail.
Police say thieves will often return to a house they've broken into before because they know the layout/quality/quantity of stuff inside. Maybe same applies to trucks?

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