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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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ennis, montana
sent my "demolition derby" driver out the door a few minutes ago to meet the bus and as i was watching her leave, i could not help but feel a twinge of something....sadness?...hope?...loss?....pride??..yes, to all of the above....
my jessica is not perfect (hence, the $4500 worth of damage to the subaru), but she is an angel in my eyes!! i am sitting here and remember every "special" moment she and i have shared from her first breath 15 (damn, almost 16) years ago right up to her giving me a good bye kiss before leaving this morning for school. They really do grow up fast, folks, and before you know it, they are making college plans (she wants to be a pediatric oncologist..."kids should never die of cancer...just not right"). I remember how she got the round hair brush stuck in her hair when she was only 3 and had to have her first haircut because of that....she had that brush wrapped clear to her scalp...OUCH!!! now, she is grown and is so mature and (for the most part) responsible! she is also a typical teenage girl...she gets VERY emotional...cries at sad commercials not to mention sad movies....she also takes command by checking the cows at night for new babies while the cowboy catches a few hours of sleep....she can ride horses with the best of them and handle a man-sized 4 wheeler with precision! she handles being "mommy" to the 2 little ones when i am gone for 3-4 day stretches travel nursing! she is very independent, but still loves to lay down on the couch with her head in my lap while i brush her hair til she falls asleep....which usually only takes about 10 minutes! when she sleeps, i can see her smile and i wonder what she is dreaming about...going to college? prom next month? next years' basketball season? friends? riding her horse? BOYS???...i pray every night for her to stay safe, happy and healthy. I know that the time is coming for me to "cut the apron strings" and let her go out on her own...yep, i'm scared!! the real world can be an ugly place....but, it can also be beautiful and exciting and NEW...especially for a young woman from a very small town!! so, i am sitting her and mentally preparing myself for what i know will come 2 years down the road....better start now, huh? so, folks, hug your children today...no matter how little or how big! for those who still have little ones at home...cherish these days you have been blessed with...cherish their dirty little faces and the "presents" they bring home...the finger-paintings the do in kindergarten...the tadpole they found in the pond...the rock they painted "just for you"....take time to watch the wonder in their eyes over the most simple and innocent of things...the stars, a new calf, a new colt, a grasshopper, getting to "steer" the tractor while daddy works the peddles!! don't lose a moment, folks...you cannot get them back!! god bless and may each and every one of you have an absolutely glorious day!!!
So well said, and very touching. Thanks for taking the time to post that for us to read.

I always remember hearing this: " the best we can do for our children is to give them roots and give them wings." Sounds like you have done a good job.

Responsibility and love~a pretty tough combination to beat.

And having a daughter who likes horses is frosting on the cake. Seems like those horses sure help keep kids out of trouble. (Just my thoughts, you understand.)

I am going to make sure my daughter reads what you have posted. So much truth there.

The years go by TOO FAST!
I have 3 daughters and they make Dad proud-you know when your kids turn out better than you ever hoped. My oldest is packing a 90 plus average-starts on the basketball team-and can run this place better than me-when I got squished by a tractor last spring her and her brother calved out a 150 heifers for me-not bad for 15 and 13. But the best thing about her is she actually will put gas in a vehicle before the low fuel light has been on for a week lol. My younger girls are doing great too-I even have a 7 year old girl hockey star-brag brag.All three are the apples of my eye and are just growing up too fast.
My Daugther turned 21 today. I am still not sure how to feel about it. Some times I feel sad and others I am glad.
No Jr high today, and wife had the day off so we 3KC vacc the cows this morning, had them in the big corral last nite so didn't take too long. Well the Jr hi kid has a high school algebra 2 class so his mother drove him over in my folks car. Because she has to get my daughter out of school to go get her driver's licenses, thought my folks Lincoln Mountainair would be better for her to drive for the test then our crew cab long box duramax. Or the ranch pickup that the seatbelts chewed off by the dog broken lights etc.
jodywy said:
No Jr high today, and wife had the day off so we 3KC vacc the cows this morning, had them in the big corral last nite so didn't take too long. Well the Jr hi kid has a high school algebra 2 class so his mother drove him over in my folks car. Because she has to get my daughter out of school to go get her driver's licenses, thought my folks Lincoln Mountainair would be better for her to drive for the test then our crew cab long box duramax. Or the ranch pickup that the seatbelts chewed off by the dog broken lights etc.

holy moley!! i get nervous when the 15 year old drives the hubby's dodge ram 3500 into town....alot of pick up for such a little thing....i agree, jody, that a mountaineer was probably the best choice for her drivers exam...beats a truck with no seat belts and broken lights....examiners have a tendency to frown on that!! good luck to her today!!!
All I can say is how thankful we are to be living in the phone era so we can stay in touch with our daughter up north. Sometimes we have a cup of coffee together (over the phone) like old days when she'd drop in during college and we'd catch up. Not quite the same as having her under our roof but much better than letters. Yes they do grow up so fast. I wonder sometimes how much I missed during their youth ( two boys and a girl) with all the activities going on- it became such a whirl. I know I lived through it but sure don't remember all of it! Now our daughter and son-in-law have two daughters so the fun continues :D
Well said Ranchwife. I have two sons (23 and 22) and two daughters (16 and 14), and 4 grandchildren. The 16year old is just starting to drive. I can't help but want to stop her from going out for fear something will happen to her, yet I know I must allow her to grow up. I just hate that part.
Thanks ranchwife. You have a great way with words. But could you do us all a favor and hit the enter key once in a while to start a new paragraph. It's difficult to read the way you have written it.

Thanks. :D
Chief----sorry about no paragraphs, but unlike many others on this board, i do my best to use proper spelling!!!! when i am in the "zone", it is hard to remember something like a paragraph...anyway, glad you enjoy my writings (daughter calls them "musings")!!! will work on it, though, for my next writing devoted to rancher/cowboy/farmer husbands!! be watching.... :wink: :cboy:
the chief said:
Thanks ranchwife. You have a great way with words. But could you do us all a favor and hit the enter key once in a while to start a new paragraph. It's difficult to read the way you have written it.

Thanks. :D

well she got her driver's licenses,,,, but it my turn to brag on this 16 year old. our summer range is on the carriboo in western wyo eastern idaho. alot of it is stright up and down, with heavy patches of timber and aspen canyons full of willows. Well one guy that runs with us dosn't bring the same 200 head of black cows back every year, plus his cows scatter when you try and gather and herd them. Seen alot of cowboys leave alot of his cows during roundup. But Tenny she can gather a bunch and when she comes down the moutain AND TRU THE TIMBER AND BRUSH SHE HAVE ALL THE PAIRS WHEN SHE GETS TO THE GATE. OOPS
biggest problem during the summer is a bull rasing nieghbor got her driving tractor or brushing bulls for him...
jody.....a tractor driving teenager?? wow!! if she is not too busy this summer (HAAHAA), let me know...have a thousand acres worth of hay and barley and wheat and could always use the help!!! :D :wink:
This has been around to us twice in e-mail but I just couldn't resist!
>"Dear Mom"
>As a mother was passing by her daughter's bedroom, she was astonished to
>the bed was nicely made and everything was picked up. Then she saw an
>envelope propped up prominently on the center of the bed. It was addressed,
>"Mom." With the worst premonition, she opened the envelope and read the
>letter with trembling hands:
>Dear Mom,
>It is with great regret and sorrow that I'm writing you. I had to elope
>my new boyfriend because I wanted to avoid a scene with Dad and you. I've
>been finding real passion with John and he is so nice even with all his
>piercing, tattoos, beard, and his motorcycle clothes. But it's not only the
>passion mom, I'm pregnant and John said that we will be very happy. He
>already owns a trailer in the woods and has a stack of firewood for the
>whole winter. He wants to have many more children with me and that's now
>of my dreams too. John taught me that marijuana doesn't really hurt anyone
>and we'll be growing it for us and trading it with his friends for all the
>cocaine and ecstasy we want. In the meantime, we'll pray that science will
>find a cure for AIDS so John can get better; he sure deserves it! Don't
>worry Mom, I'm 15 years old now and I know how to take care of myself. Some
>day I'm sure we'll be back to visit so you can get to know your
>Your daughter,
>Mom, none of the above is true. I'm over at the neighbor's house I
>just wanted to remind you that there are worse things in life than my
>card which is in my desk drawer.
>I love you!
>Call when it is safe for me to come home.
Hanta Yo......after i got done laughing hysterically and reading this to my co-workers here at the hospital, i sent a copy to my own 15 year old who (lucky me) still thinks boys have COOTIES!!! hell, if she keeps that attitude til she's 30, we will be in good shape!!! anyway, sure helps put things in perspective, huh? she has truly been a gift to me and i thank god everyday for sending her to me for however long is intended!!! thanks for the smile!!
You're quite welcome. I have a daughter who is 12 (last one left home) and she gets very good grades but I can imagine her pulling something like that but not for the same reason... I hope she thinks boys has cooties till she's at least 40! Glad to bring on the smiles! :lol:

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