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Dead COW Protocol ?

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Aug 30, 2005
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Neighbor found a Dead cow found this AM in the pasture. Posted, with no
apparent couse of death. She was about 13, fat and was in good health.

Should there have been a brain sample taken ? Tested ? Or now blood ?

Are Veterinarians required to...." anything " pertaining to DEAD aged cows ?
Vets are suppose to get 50 or 75 bucks for each brain sample sent in???
CattleCo said:
Vets are suppose to get 50 or 75 bucks for each brain sample sent in???

Do your question marks indicate you are asking a question as to whether or not that is fact?

Does anyone know if there is any unified regulation on this question, or is it state by state?.

Might be a good service if we could find the facts for each state and post here. Any takers? Or more accurately, givers of said up to date and ACCURATE info.

We had a dead feeder during the hot weather. Rendering truck picked it up. They test every one they receive per law here in Iowa.
I believe that it is regulated state by state. Here, the veterinarians are not required to collect brain samples, however, they are reimbursed for every sample they send in. Sample are to be collected from any animal that was "down." Havent seen a dead one standing yet ; )

I believe that the owner may be reimbursed for disposal also (at least here.)
Right; My understanding is that the vet as well as producers are reimbursed ( $80.00 ?).

Rendering folks are required to send / submit on all carcasses ??

In the sate of Iowa ?? This cow, producer AND vet are all in Iowa, and no-one offered any testing.

BUt then, I believe she was not rendered either.


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