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Death Threat

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Feb 12, 2007
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The Dark Side
A "friend" that lives down in Georgia messaged me today. We've been acquainted for close to 20 years via an internet forum such as this one. I've tried to give him good advice throughout the years, especially as he went through a horrible divorce and then sued for (and got) custody of his kids. He was always a little "out there", but a decent human being.

In the last 6 months, he's gotten a whole lot more "out there" , with one mutual internet friend of 20 years unfriending him on Facebook, and then Georgia boy unfriending another 20 year friend.

Today he was all spun up about Cruz. I told him that I supported Cruz & would keep supporting him until he either won the nomination & the Presidency or suspended his campaign. I was then subjected to a rant the likes of which I couldn't believe, including being informed that I supported Jihad, ISIS, illegal immigration, and Obama. The capper was when he told me if he ever laid eyes on me he would kill me on sight!

I was really taken aback, but my response to him was that it was clear he'd drank the Kool Aide and was swinging on Trump's meat, and that he'd better get some help and on some psych drugs. He then informed me that I was a dead man....I told him that it was dinnertime and I had a date to watch Gunsmoke, and to have a great day. He sent a couple more messages that I ignored.

I'm not worried because of the distance we live apart, but I was concerned about how rabid a Trump supporter he'd become and how unhinged he was to threaten a life over support for a Presidential candidate. I asked him to tell me about any actual PLANS that Trump had concerning illegal immigration, tax reform, or controlling ISIS, and he totally ignored answering anything concerning any of that.

If I hear from him again, and he doesn't apologize, I WILL get his attention. He might sing a different tune if he's informed that the messages he sent me with the death threats would be turned over to the appropriate authorities in Georgia and the DOD (he's a DOD employee) and ask him how he would feel about a 72 hour mandatory hold and a psych evaluation while social services handles his kids.

With my second brother dropping over dead recently and me left to clean up the mess he left of things, I got 99 problems, but a delusional Trump supporter in Georgia ain't one of them. Maybe it's an SEC thing?

We don't have to agree on politics, but it's not worth threatening to kill someone over.
Obviously to him, it was important enough to threaten you.
Be careful. He sounds psychotic to me and you just never know. He could be dangerous and Georgia isn't all that far away if he really means what he says. They can't reason....you aren't dealing with a rational person (obviously). I think if it was me, I'd seriously consider getting ahold of the authorities. Leave nothing to chance. He didn't make one death threat, he made several, sounds like to me. You can't be too careful.

Amazing how Trump has gotten to peoples emotions. And have you noticed lately, he is always defending himself over something or other. He seem delusional, kind of like some of his followers.
No doubt he's off his nut, just like his hero, but I'm not scared of him, FH. I'm pretty sure the local LEO's are well acquainted with him because of the ex wife. But I am done with him. His head is buried in Trumps rear end, so it can just stay that way. Life is too short to suffer tards like him. I've really learned that lesson the last couple weeks.
Funny thing is you have no differences - trump is trying to be Cruz ...without all that egghead reason and truth.
Bet he fried his brains with some of that synthetic marijuana crap. Know a guy that did that around here. His thinking sounds similar.

Edited to add:
Trump tapped into the anger many have with the PC crap. Populist of a slightly different flavor, but still a populist.

Cruz standing up to the ethanol mandate showed he had real cajones and is more likely to do what he says.

Trump could have backed one of his campaign managers that was arrested for being involved with the Oregon deal, but he didn't. That illustrates the difference to me.
I don't think it's being a trump supporter. There are all different beliefs that eventually take people over the edge. Life's to short to worry about when people end up this way. Oh I do support Cruz for the time being. I will never vote for Hillary or Bernie
Oh, he made it REAL PLAIN to me that he's nothing but a TRUMPANZEE. Can't think for himself and spends his days flinging sh!t.
I'd liked it better if you maid up obamapanzee. There now I went and dun it again. The Montanan is gonna fink on me for bad think
I asked him to tell me about any actual PLANS that Trump had concerning illegal immigration, tax reform, or controlling ISIS, and he totally ignored answering anything concerning any of that.

I noticed that same behavior among people that believe in conspiracy theories and other liberal ideas.. they don't want to question their beliefs and challenge them to actual reasonable questions..

instead of they just start one attack after another on the person who questions them and their ideology.

and it will get crazier long before it gets better...
I noticed the TRUMPANZEE has unfriended me on Facebook. I've got 99 problems, but worrying about his sorry ass ain't one of them.
loomixguy said:
I noticed the TRUMPANZEE has unfriended me on Facebook. I've got 99 problems, but worrying about his sorry ass ain't one of them.

Sometimes them 'not speaking' to you is a blessing.

When I was secretary and announcer of our local team roping club we had a roper who was a real jerk. I finally made him so mad that he ceased speaking to me. I said if I had know it was that easy, I would have done it long before. It was well worth not having to listen to him. (He wound up being banned from our roping club and some others in the area also.)
loomixguy said:
I noticed the TRUMPANZEE has unfriended me on Facebook. I've got 99 problems, but worrying about his sorry ass ain't one of them.

loomixguy, are you still a bona-fide member of the "Common Sense Conservatives" ? They kicked me off in fine style, when I said we needed to endorse whoever wins the Republican nomination, no matter who that happens to be. They were all for Ben Carson, as was I, until I made that comment. Now even Ben Carson endorses Trump, so I'm wondering what the Common Sense Conservatives have to say about that. They may have been conservative, but they seemed to lack the common sense part of the deal.

I like both Trump and Cruz, and will endorse whoever wins the nomination. It will greatly tick me off if a "third party" comes out of the woodwork. That will guarantee a win for the Democrats. Another philosophy that irks the heck out of me is the "I don't like either one of them, so I won't vote at all" line of thinking. No matter who ends up running, as voters our privilege and duty is still to vote for the "lesser of the two evils," as bad as that sounds. No one is perfect except Jesus Christ, and He isn't running for office. That leaves us with no other recourse than to vote for the person that is the least evil of our choices.

Democrats win when the Republicans don't show up to vote.
I'm back (sort of....) after some computer problems which aren't totally solved, and things seem to have gone to heck!

Sure like the TRUMPANZEE, and the OBamapanzee, which might also be spelled OBAMapansy! Except that when it comes to getting what HE wants, he really is more dangerous than a 'pansy'.

Loomixguy, sure hope you are right about your 'friend' (as in 'with friends like that, who needs enemies????) but also worry about his kids, whatever age they might be.

And re. your own problems, wishing you calmness and good judgement in handling them, because those seem to make most problems smaller and less frustrating to handle. Especially wishing those you are dealing with the same, and that they are stepping up and seeing facts for what they are, which also makes life easier. I need more of those attributes, too........and don't we all? Too many problems in life just seem to get bigger and harder to deal with when we act of speak first and think later.

Soap, the RINO Deveril Valley booted me from No "Common Sense Conservatives" a long time ago. I had made the comment that the biggest problems in the Philippines were caused by the two women that were elected President there. Of course having spent plenty of time there during their Presidencies and seeing first hand the end result of their policies carried no water with the CSC gang. I was labeled a caveman, a sexist, and a racist and was threatened with expulsion. I told them to help themselves and haven't regretted it one bit.

MRJ....many thanks for the kind words. I'm averaging maybe 3 hours sleep at night, but I keep plowing forward. I've now got the appointment as PR and got some of the financial information. But for every door that is opened, I discover two more that are closed. Now I've got to make some sense of a business deal that happened in Louisiana back in 1989 when my Dad was still alive. There's still dough in an account that's been dormant since then. Seems like it was forgotten about in the shuffle.

The sad thing is, I've finally realized that the only people I can totally trust 100% are myself and my wife. Not even my remaining sibling, or anybody else involved. This is shaping up to be a regular Pier 6 brawl.

I will support Ted Cruz until he either suspends his campaign or is elected President. I like some of what Trump says, but he acts more like Tony Soprano than Ronald Reagan. He's too undisciplined, thuggish, and too much a loose cannon for me. His past affiliation with the libtards is coming back to haunt him. Tigers don't change their stripes.
I will vote for trump or Cruz, who ever wins the nomination. I would LOVE to see the loser of the Democrats form a third party.... THAT would be very interesting....
I've had to deal with a few nutcases, some of whom I considered friends as well... one that comes to mind also threatened me, told lies about me to my boss (we had worked at the same place a while), stolen a fair bit of money from me, never mind not repaying debts he owed me in the first place... I haven't regretted cutting him out of my life one bit. Funny thing is he's tried to add me on FB about 10 times, and 10 times I've declined... I find it humorous.

I'm with you on Trump's delusions of grandeur,... I find it odd that people say "Since he's rich and finances his own campaign, he doesn't owe any favors to anyone"... Well.. you really think rich people don't owe others favors?. Getting back to his egotism, he's a perfect example of a spoiled brat.. he behaves exactly like a rotten little 5 year old who throws a temper tantrum if he doesn't get what he wants... We all know Obama signed more executive orders than all previous presidents combined... You think Trump will be able to control his ego and accept that congress might turn down his ideas? Sure doesn't seem likely to me.

About his wealth and financial prowess.. I heard (Haven't had the energy to fact check) that if he'd invested his inherited money in a decent mutual fund, he could have led an lavish life and have more than double his current net worth.
To be fair to the Donald: http://www.ijreview.com/2015/11/461306-these-5-acts-of-kindness-reveal-theres-more-to-donald-trump-than-just-his-celebrity-persona/?fb_action_ids=10205841627707903&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B957326254325948%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.shares%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D
Traveler said:
To be fair to the Donald: http://www.ijreview.com/2015/11/461306-these-5-acts-of-kindness-reveal-theres-more-to-donald-trump-than-just-his-celebrity-persona/?fb_action_ids=10205841627707903&fb_action_types=og.shares&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%5B957326254325948%5D&action_type_map=%5B%22og.shares%22%5D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D

I am not saying he's an evil guy, and even evil people sometimes do charitable acts... He's still a nutcase though

Putting things into perspective, Even when I was experiencing rough times financially, and my net worth was pretty low, I'd give a buck to a guy on the street who needed it more than I did... Trump giving $25,000 bucks to Tahmooressi or $10,000 to the bus driver Barton is a lesser percentage of his net worth than what I give to the guy on the street.

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