Make sure to bolt your sub frame up through the floor of the car and put some bigger pieces of sheet metal as washers on the floor pan. We also run ready rod up through the frame and the trunk lid as you crush your car keep tightening the bolts if you can after your heat's. Direct shifter,tranny lines, if your distributor is on the rear of the engine make sure to cut out the fire wall or else it will get broken.Weld up your spider gears,we only ran cryslers and would crank up the torsion bars all the way.I'd move my hood forward and bend it down and bolt it to the front bumper. wire the ignition on switches on the dash one for the points one for the ignition.I would'nt run anything but a crysler or a Chevy wagon. No matter what you run make sure it runs good I've seen alot of guys come with a rough running car they don't last very long and it's expensive just as well have one that runs good and has some power to put on a show.I get the itch if I go watch but it goes away when I can sleep that same night without pain. I always wore a backbrace and a neck brace I'd sugest you do that also.And learn to sandbag for awhile don't hit other cars very hard little love taps every 30 seconds gets you to the winners circle. The guys who win have cars built to win but they also have enough sense to conserve their cars until they need them. Another thing weld two pieces of rod in a V shape around your valve stems.Put tubes in your tires. etc etc etc. You can tie up alot of money and time in derby cars