Derry Brownfield is one of those who loves to hate......NCBA, USDA, and more.
He stated yesterday morning that NCBA president Jim McAdams and other directors of NCBA attending the Spring Board meeting in Washington, DC this past week did so on Beef Checkoff money.
Not true! The NCBA Policy division board of directors are there representing their state organizations. If any of their expenses are paid by anyone other than themselves, it is by their state organization, NOT THE BEEF CHECKOFF! National officers expenses would be paid by the Policy division or the officer.
Such rumor mongering is out of line. There is enough confusion in this industry without that!
The regular Executive Board meeting, held at the same place and time for convenience and travel savings, was attended by some Federation of State Beef Council members serving on that board, and whose travel expenses would be paid with Checkoff dollars. Their food costs are paid either by sponsors or by themselves. Those people are members and representatives of many cattle organizations across the nation, possibly including some NCBA members. There was no one attending the meeting sponsored with SD Beef Checkoff money, according to that office.
He stated yesterday morning that NCBA president Jim McAdams and other directors of NCBA attending the Spring Board meeting in Washington, DC this past week did so on Beef Checkoff money.
Not true! The NCBA Policy division board of directors are there representing their state organizations. If any of their expenses are paid by anyone other than themselves, it is by their state organization, NOT THE BEEF CHECKOFF! National officers expenses would be paid by the Policy division or the officer.
Such rumor mongering is out of line. There is enough confusion in this industry without that!
The regular Executive Board meeting, held at the same place and time for convenience and travel savings, was attended by some Federation of State Beef Council members serving on that board, and whose travel expenses would be paid with Checkoff dollars. Their food costs are paid either by sponsors or by themselves. Those people are members and representatives of many cattle organizations across the nation, possibly including some NCBA members. There was no one attending the meeting sponsored with SD Beef Checkoff money, according to that office.