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Dick Cheney for President

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Published on Wednesday, September 4, 2002 in the Boulder Daily Camera

Cheney-Linked Nonsense: VP Boosted Saddam
by Molly Ivins

AUSTIN, Texas — Excuse me: I don't want to be tacky or anything, but hasn't it occurred to anyone in Washington that sending Vice President Dick Cheney out to champion an invasion of Iraq on the grounds that Saddam Hussein is a "murderous dictator" is somewhere between bad taste and flaming hypocrisy?

When Dick Cheney was CEO of the oilfield supply firm Halliburton, the company did $23.8 million in business with Saddam Hussein, the evildoer "prepared to share his weapons of mass destruction with terrorists."

So if Saddam is "the world's worst leader," how come Cheney sold him the equipment to get his dilapidated oil fields up and running so he to could afford to build weapons of mass destruction?

In 1998, the United Nations passed a resolution allowing Iraq to buy spare parts for its oilfields, but other sanctions remained in place, and the United States has consistently pressured the U.N. to stop exports of medicine and other needed supplies on the grounds they could have "dual use." As the former Secretary of Defense under Bush the Elder, Cheney was in particularly vulnerable position on the hypocrisy of doing business with Iraq. (Although in 1991, after the Gulf War, Cheney told a group of oil industry executives he was emphatically against trying to topple Hussein.)

Using two subsidiaries, Dresser-Rand and Ingersoll-Dresser, Halliburton helped rebuild Saddam's war-damaged oil fields. The combined value of these contracts for parts and equipment was greater than that of any other American company doing business with Iraq — companies including Schlumberger, Flowserve, Fisher-Rosemount, General Electric. They acted through foreign subsidiaries or associated companies in France, Belgium, Germany, India, Switzerland, Bahrain, Egypt and the Netherlands.

In several cases, it is clear the European companies did no more than loan their names to American firms for the purpose of dealing with Hussein. Iraq then became America's second-largest Middle Eastern oil supplier.

This story was initially reported by the Financial Times of London over two years ago and has since been more extensively reported in the European press. But as we have seen with the case of Harken Energy and many other stories, there is a difference between a story having been reported and having attention being paid to it (a distinction many journalists have trouble with). Thus the administration was able to dismiss the new information on shady dealings at Harken as "old news" because not much attention was ever paid when the old news was new.

When Cheney left Halliburton, he received a $34 million severance package despite the fact that the single biggest deal of his five-year career there, the acquisition of Dresser Industries, turned out to be a huge blunder since the company came saddled with asbestos liability. (On the campaign trail, Cheney often claimed he had been "out in the private sector creating jobs." The first thing he did after the Dresser merger was lay off 10,000 people.)

Halliburton, America's No. 1 oil-services company, is the nation's fifth-largest military contractor and the biggest non-union employer in the United States. It employs more than 100,000 workers worldwide and does over $15 billion a year. Halliburton under Cheney dealt with several brutal dictatorships, including the despicable government of Burma (Myanmar). The company also played questionable roles in Algeria, Angola, Bosnia, Croatia, Haiti, Somalia and Indonesia.

Halliburton also had dealings with Iran and Libya, both on the State Department's list of terrorist states. Halliburton's subsidiary Brown & Root, the old Texas construction firm that does much business with the U.S. military, was fined $3.8 million for re-exporting goods to Libya in violation of U.S. sanctions.

If you want to know why the Democrats didn't jump all over this story and make a big deal out it, it's because — as usual — Democrats are involved in similar dealings. Former CIA director John Deutsch is on the board of Schlumberger, the second largest oil services firm after Halliburton, which is also doing business with Iraq through subsidiaries.

Americans have long been aware that corporate money has consistently corrupted domestic policy in favor of corporate interests, and that both parties are in thrall to huge corporate campaign donors. We are less accustomed to connecting the dots when it comes to foreign policy. But there is no more evidence that corporations pay attention to anything other than profits in their foreign dealings than they do in their domestic deals.

Enron, as usual, provides some textbook examples of just how indifferent to human rights American companies can be. Halliburton's dealings in Nigeria, in partnership with Shell and Chevron, provide another such example, including gross violations of human rights and environmental abuses.

No one is ever going to argue that Saddam Hussein is a good guy, but Dick Cheney is not the right man to make the case against him. I have never understood why the Washington press corps cannot remember anything for longer than 10 minutes, but hearing Cheney denounce Saddam is truly "Give us a break" time.

Sure not picking sides here as I am one of the "any one but Hilary" crowd but I found this interesting.
Bill said:
Jinglebob said:
kolanuraven said:
Exercising my right to free speech the same as you my dear!

It's true, we as a country flip off the rest of the world and won't deal with them.

We won't talk to Israel, Palestine, Korea, Iran and biggest of all MEXICO and try to settle problems with these people.

Most of the world countries are NOT LEADERS, they need some help. If we claim to be the leader of the planet well then we damn well better lead instead of acting as if they don't exist.

It's always those things in life that you just ignore that end up being the biggest problem for you later on!!!

You make a good poinmt, but i think you are forgewtting all the good things we have done world wide.

When ever there is a disaster, we are the first ones there, aren't we. And when we had a disaster, how many other countries send people to help us?

I'm not saying we even need it, but how many?

How many thanked us for "saving the day" in WWI, WWII?

We have faults, but I think we are stil the best country in the world and if I didn't think so, I would move to the country that I thought was best.

I guess I kind of feel like ol' Merle did in the song where he say's, Love it or leave it.

Sure we have problems and need to work on them, but I think you must be balanced and fair. If your going to find fault, figure out a way to fix it and for every fault, there is also a plus.

You guys get on here and fight and fued, but your all Americans. I think?

I wasn't born here, but I've got a peice of paper that says I am an American. It's one of the things I am very proud of.

Show me a country that is better or has done more.

One thing I admire about Americans is their patriotism but maybe set that flag down for a second.

we are the first ones there, aren't we. And when we had a disaster, how many other countries send people to help us?

Canada has done a pretty good job at sending in help on wild fires (smoke jumpers and water bombers) aid workers (New Orleans) and of course no one helped the US more with the tragedy of 9-11 than Canada. Of course this has been a two way street with the US reciprocating and lending Canada a hand when needed.

How many thanked us for "saving the day" in WWI, WWII?

The huge losses countries such as Canada sustained while the US dragged their feet before entering WWII are belittled by a statement such as that. A pile of Canadians and other allied forces died before the US came in and "saved the day". While the US proclaimed neutrality in Sept 1939 Canada declared war on Germany Sept. 10, 1939. The US didn't enter WWII until Dec 8 1941 over two years later. Hollywood has been a tremndous US propaganda tool and WWII is probably its best example.

The US has helped in many countries throughout the world but they certainly haven't always been first or alone.
:) Excellent and true post Bill :!: Sorry JB I won't be thanking the US for jumping in late after I had grandparents on BOTH sides that were in there at the beginning.
Mrs.Greg said:
Bill said:
Jinglebob said:
You make a good poinmt, but i think you are forgewtting all the good things we have done world wide.

When ever there is a disaster, we are the first ones there, aren't we. And when we had a disaster, how many other countries send people to help us?

I'm not saying we even need it, but how many?

How many thanked us for "saving the day" in WWI, WWII?

We have faults, but I think we are stil the best country in the world and if I didn't think so, I would move to the country that I thought was best.

I guess I kind of feel like ol' Merle did in the song where he say's, Love it or leave it.

Sure we have problems and need to work on them, but I think you must be balanced and fair. If your going to find fault, figure out a way to fix it and for every fault, there is also a plus.

You guys get on here and fight and fued, but your all Americans. I think?

I wasn't born here, but I've got a peice of paper that says I am an American. It's one of the things I am very proud of.

Show me a country that is better or has done more.

One thing I admire about Americans is their patriotism but maybe set that flag down for a second.

we are the first ones there, aren't we. And when we had a disaster, how many other countries send people to help us?

Canada has done a pretty good job at sending in help on wild fires (smoke jumpers and water bombers) aid workers (New Orleans) and of course no one helped the US more with the tragedy of 9-11 than Canada. Of course this has been a two way street with the US reciprocating and lending Canada a hand when needed.

How many thanked us for "saving the day" in WWI, WWII?

The huge losses countries such as Canada sustained while the US dragged their feet before entering WWII are belittled by a statement such as that. A pile of Canadians and other allied forces died before the US came in and "saved the day". While the US proclaimed neutrality in Sept 1939 Canada declared war on Germany Sept. 10, 1939. The US didn't enter WWII until Dec 8 1941 over two years later. Hollywood has been a tremndous US propaganda tool and WWII is probably its best example.

The US has helped in many countries throughout the world but they certainly haven't always been first or alone.
:) Excellent and true post Bill :!:Sorry JB I won't be thanking the US for jumping in late after I had grandparents on BOTH sides that were in there at the beginning.

Sorry Bill if I offended you.

I guess I should have said North America, but then that probably wouldn't have suited you either, huh? :wink:

I just can't seem to figure out why everyone who thinks the US is such a bad country, wants to live here? :???:

Millions every year are doing all they can to get here, legal and illegal!

Must be something here for them to come to. :roll:
No one here said it was ' bad'....it just that we give all this lip service to being the ' leader' of the world, then refuse to talk to other countries and then whine about what those countries do on their own.

If we'd been involved with them to ANY degree....we'd know what was up!
reader (the Second) said:
Jinglebob said:
reader (the Second) said:
Hey JB - where WERE you born, if you don't mind the question?

Switzerland. Came over when I was about 11 months old.

I'm real good with clocks, yodeling and I love chocolate. :wink:

But I sure don't like shorts or them long Riccola horns! :roll:

My hometown was settled by Swiss Italians it turns out. Haha - I can see you being Swiss.

From the stories I've been told, I'm half Swiss, half German. I like to set around fixing clocks, drinking beer and starting fights. :wink:

And I love sourkraut! :lol:
kolanuraven said:
By the by...making fun of a dead woman is NOT crude and rude in your book? Glad we're not using the same books then. :roll: :roll:
I didn't see where katrina made fun of a dead woman, but I can only assume that it was about the big-titted blond slut that has been all over the TV lately. But my point is about you being a hypocrite. That's why I brought this quote from the Coffee Shop. I figured this was a better place to discuss things openly....

kolanuraven said:
I wish that more of those little ol' ladies with the walkers/canes would read this. It amazes me how such crippled up ladies can go into a bathroom and then when you go in it looks like the neighborhood tomkat has sprayed everything! They must be acrobats in disguise!

They are afraid to sit down on the seat for fear of ' catchin' something'....well helles belles pi$$in' all over the place isn't exactly the best way to go either!

Don't you think you're being a hypocrite by getting on katrina's ass about a dead woman? And then you make comments like that about disabled elderly ladies who might not can help it if they don't piss to please you? In any case, it certainly wasn't very ladylike of you to post that in the Coffee Shop.
Jinglebob said:
Mrs.Greg said:
Bill said:
One thing I admire about Americans is their patriotism but maybe set that flag down for a second.

Canada has done a pretty good job at sending in help on wild fires (smoke jumpers and water bombers) aid workers (New Orleans) and of course no one helped the US more with the tragedy of 9-11 than Canada. Of course this has been a two way street with the US reciprocating and lending Canada a hand when needed.

The huge losses countries such as Canada sustained while the US dragged their feet before entering WWII are belittled by a statement such as that. A pile of Canadians and other allied forces died before the US came in and "saved the day". While the US proclaimed neutrality in Sept 1939 Canada declared war on Germany Sept. 10, 1939. The US didn't enter WWII until Dec 8 1941 over two years later. Hollywood has been a tremndous US propaganda tool and WWII is probably its best example.

The US has helped in many countries throughout the world but they certainly haven't always been first or alone.
:) Excellent and true post Bill :!:Sorry JB I won't be thanking the US for jumping in late after I had grandparents on BOTH sides that were in there at the beginning.

Sorry Bill if I offended you.

I guess I should have said North America, but then that probably wouldn't have suited you either, huh? :wink:

I just can't seem to figure out why everyone who thinks the US is such a bad country, wants to live here? :???:

Millions every year are doing all they can to get here, legal and illegal!

Must be something here for them to come to. :roll:

No offense taken JB. Canada and the US are two distinct countries but also maintain the best relationship between any countries in the world.
As Canadians we are totally immersed in US society and culture through media and corporate presence. Turn on the TV or drive into any big box area in any Canadian city and the US is there. Want to eat at a US restaraunt chain just go to town and fill up.

It's just too bad most Americans know so little about Canada.
Bill said:
It's just too bad most Americans know so little about Canada.


Or any other country for that matter. :roll:

We seem to be the poster child for the observation, "Those who don't remeber history, are bound to repete it."
Texan said:
kolanuraven said:
By the by...making fun of a dead woman is NOT crude and rude in your book? Glad we're not using the same books then. :roll: :roll:
I didn't see where katrina made fun of a dead woman, but I can only assume that it was about the big-titted blond slut that has been all over the TV lately.

Brittany Spears is not dead
Frankk said:
Texan said:
kolanuraven said:
By the by...making fun of a dead woman is NOT crude and rude in your book? Glad we're not using the same books then. :roll: :roll:
I didn't see where katrina made fun of a dead woman, but I can only assume that it was about the big-titted blond slut that has been all over the TV lately.

Brittany Spears is not dead

Be careful what you say about ANS, I said the same thing and was about to be lynched. The hyprocricy of some on here is astounding. Cuss the hell out of "liberal hollywood types" and then revere a slut who has 10 guys claiming to be the father of her child. I don't care if I agree or disagree with someone but try to be a little bit consistant people.
Frankk said:
Texan said:
kolanuraven said:
By the by...making fun of a dead woman is NOT crude and rude in your book? Glad we're not using the same books then. :roll: :roll:
I didn't see where katrina made fun of a dead woman, but I can only assume that it was about the big-titted blond slut that has been all over the TV lately.

Brittany Spears is not dead

are you referring to the one who cut all her hair off ??????? :D :D
Brittany will be the next one dying of an overdose, suicide, or some wild accident if someone or some group doesn't intervene...She's going down a shakey road--- marriage, 2 little kids (which her capability to care for is now being questioned), divorce, running around with no undies (showing it to all that would look), two days ago she checked into rehab-but checked back out less than 24 hours later, and now took a clippers to her head and shaved all her hair off....

She's another one screaming for help by her nutty antics....
Problem is OT the only way she gets help is if she wants it and will take it. I don't know if she is drugging it up or whatever but the lifestyle she has been living since she was.. what? 16 maybe, is probably not the most condusive to staying on a straight and narrow path. A lot of money, a lot of fame, and a lot of attention at a very young age basically selling sex... You know, I thought it was a mistake for her to have kids with that guy but I kind of hoped for her sake that maybe she would pull out of the limelight, enjoy the rewards that her success did bring her and maybe get her life on track again.. I ahve to wonder if "we", the americna public/media would ever let her even if she tried...
Bill said:
Jinglebob said:
Mrs.Greg said:
:) Excellent and true post Bill :!:Sorry JB I won't be thanking the US for jumping in late after I had grandparents on BOTH sides that were in there at the beginning.

Sorry Bill if I offended you.

I guess I should have said North America, but then that probably wouldn't have suited you either, huh? :wink:

I just can't seem to figure out why everyone who thinks the US is such a bad country, wants to live here? :???:

Millions every year are doing all they can to get here, legal and illegal!

Must be something here for them to come to. :roll:

No offense taken JB. Canada and the US are two distinct countries but also maintain the best relationship between any countries in the world.
As Canadians we are totally immersed in US society and culture through media and corporate presence. Turn on the TV or drive into any big box area in any Canadian city and the US is there. Want to eat at a US restaraunt chain just go to town and fill up.

It's just too bad most Americans know so little about Canada.
Some of the better things in life come from Canada. Yukon Jack, Crown Royal, Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho (although born in the US), the Hart Family, and Pam Anderson. :D

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