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different take on "still gaps in US feed ban"

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So far we have the NCBA, Congress, judicial branch, consumer groups, R-CALF all saying --- Whoa, slow down and take a real look at the situation and take some precautions.

Congress a delegation of 52 lead by two Montana anti trade Senators This is not the whole Congress what about the part the disagree to support R-CALF do they not count just because they didn't win the vote.

One Montana Federal Judge indorsed by the same two Montana Senators is what you consider the "judicial branch" How about the US judicial branch in Washington DC that filed the appeal for the USDA or the judicial branch called the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeal in Califorina that agreed to hear both the USDA and the NMA appeals.

Consumer groups that R-CALF admitted they brought into the issue so they could us them because of the media attention they recieve. Reader do you really think that bringing Consumer groups with Anti beef tendencies into this issue was really smart of R-Calf. Just why do you think these group got involved?

and R-CALF a protectionist isolationist group of cattle producers that have a leadership that defends their staunch financial supporters rights to come to Canada and make a quick buck on the depressed Canadian cattle prices all while claiming Canadian beef is unsafe for human consumption.

NCBA also came out saying if the Canadian border doesn't open then the US can't expect Japan to open to the US. Are the Senators that are threatening trade sanctions on Japan saying whoa slow down and take a look at the situation. If Japan was to open their border not one of these group except maybe the consumer groups will be saying no to Canadian beef because they know that if they don't import the US will not have enough beef to supply any export markets. Reader you say the US and Canada aren't testing enough to open the Canadian border so do you think that the US is testing enough to get away with threatening trade sanctions on Japan and any other country that doesn't take their beef. R-CALF and the Congress you say are saying whoa to Canada are indorsing these actions.

Have you seen the growing list of groups and organizations which includes the NCBA that are filing friends of the court brief in support of the USDA. Even the Pork industry is supporting opening the border.

We have USDA management (see Johannes' statement I posted on no danger from under 30 mos cattle "science is very very clear on this") doing their utmost to turn the clock back to pre North America BSE and trying to pressure our consumer, producers, and foreign consumers and governments into agreeing that really, there's no issue here any longer

Isn't the US Congress the ones threatening trade sanctions ?
reader (the Second) said:
Bill - you've been very fair with your responses to my response! One point -- the increased testing of cattle is relatively new in both countries. I just posted that I don't believe that there is a BSE epidemic in either country. I believe that North America has BSE in its herds and that we haven't tested enough cattle for a long enough period to know the extent of the BSE or the trend. TREND is a point I have been trying to hammer home to you all for months. We want to know that BSE is minimal and decreasing, not minimal and INCREASING. I have read and read on the subject and the numbers tested and the percentage of high risk animals tested has to be larger and the testing has to continue for several years.

Reader, in this post, I'm only interested in your continuing claims that the USA isn't testing enough cattle and/or the right cattle.

Realizing there isn't much information in the public media for us to go to, where/what have you been able to find about numbers being tested? Such as: where they are getting the animals to test?
What categories, and numbers of, that is 4D, non-ambulatory,and numbers typical beef cattle aged 30 months or less are tested?


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