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Do you want the photo contest to continue?

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Do you want the photo contest to continue?

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Faster horses

Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
NE WY at the foot of the Big Horn mountains
There hasn't been much interest in the Photo Contest last summer, so we
haven't had one. Everyone was busy, but now that things have slowed down some, would you like to have the Photo Contest back up and running?
If so would you be interested in entering photos in the contest. We can't hold it without entries.

I'm trying to get a poll up, but so far, I'm not having any luck. :???:
I would like to see it re-started. I believe it added another dimension to Rancher's Net. Something else to open up ranchers net for. I realize it takes time and effort on someones part to keep it going. I know I couldn't do it.

I don't take many pictures anymore but have albus full of some taken in the past.
I have a heck of a time with photobucket. Matter of fact they won't reconize my email or password anymore, therefore I've lost all of my old pictures to cyberspace.. Not to mention uploading is a hassle.. Facebook is much easier for me so I prolly won't be posting to many pictures anymore... Sorry.. :(
katrina said:
I have a heck of a time with photobucket. Matter of fact they won't reconize my email or password anymore, therefore I've lost all of my old pictures to cyberspace.. Not to mention uploading is a hassle.. Facebook is much easier for me so I prolly won't be posting to many pictures anymore... Sorry.. :(

seem's to be a common sentiment...... too bad though :(
katrina said:
I have a heck of a time with photobucket. Matter of fact they won't reconize my email or password anymore, therefore I've lost all of my old pictures to cyberspace.. Not to mention uploading is a hassle.. Facebook is much easier for me so I prolly won't be posting to many pictures anymore... Sorry.. :(

I agree. It is to much of a hassle to post pictures on here. I doubt I will be posting any either.
It seems that photobucket claims that their new way is supposed to be easier to get your pictures on photobucket. Something about just dragging them to place. I haven't figured out how. It must be that you put your picture on desktop or something. When I try to change to many things, there are other things that get messed up.
I never could get the argument that posting pictures was hard, hell there are upload sites you don't even hafta be a member or sign in to upload a picture.
once you get it uploaded right click on it copy properties and paste it here between [img]
whizbo, picture appears !
I think traffic might pick up some when the cold weather runs the canuckle haids in the house :D
good luck
Faster horses said:
Ok, Hay Maker, name some upload sights and give us some lessons!

I'm waiting as I have some pictures to share.

Thanks. Glad to have you back. Surely you have a good story or two for us!

It is kinda deserted around here, but I reckon it will pick up in the winter, usually does.
Good luck
I would hope there would be an easier way to post a picture.

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