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Don’t Mix Steel and Beef Issues, Japan Says

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Feb 11, 2005
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HOw mauch more crap are we gona take from these rice burners? MAybe it is time to put the plane in the air? :mad:

Wednesday, August 3, 2005 - Daily Update
1. Don't Mix Steel and Beef Issues, Japan Says back to top

The U.S. should not retaliate against Tokyo's decision to impose tariffs on U.S. steel imports with sanctions against Japan for its ban on imported American beef, Japan says.

Japan said Monday that it will impose levies on American steel imports beginning in September in retaliation for U.S. antidumping measures that have been ruled illegal by the World Trade Organization. This is the first time Japan has said it would impose retaliatory tariffs against a trading partner. On its own, the steel issue is unlikely to harm relations with the U.S., says Japan Trade Minister Shoichi Nakagawa.

In a separate trade dispute over beef, some U.S. lawmakers have warned of possible economic sanctions if Japan refuses to lift an 18-month ban on U.S. beef over concerns that the meat may be infected with mad cow disease. (LET"S GET IT ON!!!)

Source: Mainichi Daily News/ Associated Press, August 2, 2005
Source URL: http://mdn.mainichi-msn.co.jp/business/news/20050802p2g00m0bu019000c.html
But Cattleco, the WTO ruled against us. You know the WTO, the foreign body that we sold pieces of the constitution for? :mad:
And so many of us thought this "New World Order" and One World Government were figments of the crazies imaginations. Anything for a buck... "Trade" is all that matters. :mad:
CAFTA was a bull crap deal! I cannot wait to see how this "GREAT OPPORTUNITY" plays out for/against US Agriculture! :roll:
Life kinda sucks when you guys are the ones getting the short end of the stick huh? Welcome to the new world where other countries aren't afraid to give the big FU to the states.

Yeah, and I know that a lot of you will point out the complaining that Canadians did over BSE, so lets not even mention it. Your own law makers found in favour of us.

As far as NAFTA and the WTO, your country signed on under its own free will. The US will always use them to try and screw Canada (softwood lumber, hogs, wheat, etc. etc.) and other nations. Sucks when the shoes on the other foot huh? Being the biggest doesn't mean you can't follow the rules.
Chrysler Sebring (coupe)
adventureman said:
Life kinda sucks when you guys are the ones getting the short end of the stick huh? Welcome to the new world where other countries aren't afraid to give the big FU to the states.

Yeah, and I know that a lot of you will point out the complaining that Canadians did over BSE, so lets not even mention it. Your own law makers found in favour of us.

As far as NAFTA and the WTO, your country signed on under its own free will. The US will always use them to try and screw Canada (softwood lumber, hogs, wheat, etc. etc.) and other nations. Sucks when the shoes on the other foot huh? Being the biggest doesn't mean you can't follow the rules.

Actually, the US did more than "sign on", we were one of the larger forces behind starting the &^%^% deal. We have also put it to other countries more that has been put to us.
We got screwed.....(CAFTA) when I get to NE we can go have a drink!!
CattleCo :)
CattleCo said:
We got screwed.....(CAFTA) when I get to NE we can go have a drink!!
CattleCo :)

We ought to be getting used to it! Come on out, I've got Colorado beer and Kentucky bourbon on hand.

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