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E coli 0157:117 It’s what’s for Dinner?

Sir Loin

Well-known member
Dec 6, 2010
Reaction score
Sep 10, 2011
E coli 0157:117 It’s what’s for Dinner?
Research at the USDA’s ARS Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska, has found that the incidence of the deadly E coli 0157:117 was significantly higher in cattle whose corn-based feed included 40% wet distillers grains (WDG). WDG is a byproduct of ethanol manufacturing that is often fed to feed-lot Beef and dairy animals throughout the United States but primarily in the upper Midwest. Some cattle producers had originally thought that the absence of starch in WGD would make it safer to use than corn with ruminants like cattle. Apparently this is not the case. [/quote]

This is just what the cattle industry needs to erode consumer confidence and drive down demand and therefore cattle prices.
Think about it!!
Are you sure this is current information?

It sounds just like one done a couple of years, or more back, at either Clay Center or in Kansas, which was later shown to be somehow not quite the case, possibly having inconsistant results.

Granted, this could be new, but since E coli 0157:H7 is significantly reduced in recent years due to efforts to control it. What unfortunatelyis increasing are some other strains of E coli, which is possibly due to better detection methods.

Are you sure this is current information?
No I’m not as I didn’t read the actual “USDA’s ARS Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska, “ press release. I took this from a news report that has been archived.
If you can find the actual press release from USDA please post the URL.
Someone on the other board said they had actually read the report but didn’t give the URL.
Sir Loin said:
Good post!
You quoted your source properly so as not to violate copyright law and you provided the URL and your source is not a dot org.
That is what a True Conservative does.
Now the opposition has to prove your source wrong instead of you.


:o :roll:
the research center at Clay Center is nothing more than a money pit for the USDA. those people keep coming up with reasons to add jobs, or keep thier own. half of the things they test are ignorant or irrelevant, just a reason to add funding, and keep playing. 30,000 acres that ought to be in private production.

it is the same with the local KSU extension irrigation plot. these guys come up with different watering ideas each yeaar to "test" the practice of irrigation....we all know water makes corn
jigs said:
the research center at Clay Center is nothing more than a money pit for the USDA. those people keep coming up with reasons to add jobs, or keep thier own. half of the things they test are ignorant or irrelevant, just a reason to add funding, and keep playing. 30,000 acres that ought to be in private production.

it is the same with the local KSU extension irrigation plot. these guys come up with different watering ideas each yeaar to "test" the practice of irrigation....we all know water makes corn

Isn't that the case with most publicly funded research. I am not arguing, but agreeing with you. Maybe in the beginning they were helpful, but anymore most of what any research facilities do is siphon money.

I’m not sure what your point is.
If it is that I didn’t furnish a URL you are correct.
If you are implying I didn’t furnish a source, you are incorrect.
The source is the “ USDA’s ARS Meat Animal Research Center in Clay Center, Nebraska,” contained in the quote.
If you wish to challenge the presses quote you will have to do your own research and find the actual USDA‘s press release which the press is quoting.
Jigs, I think you could apply that same reasoning to the extension service. It used to be jointly funded locally and by KState. Now KState is trying to shove all the costs on the counties. I can't think of a thing that the extension service has done to help me in more than 10 years. Most of their information is taken from the internet that we can access as well. They may serve a purpose at the college but we don't need county offices all over the state for people to sit around in all day and play on the computer and draw a big salary. They are obsolete and should be abandoned.
I don't have the actual press release. Just going on memory of news stories at the time, could be two or more years back, more or less. There later were stories of different results and recall is that it depends on feed content of ALL other feed and the water. Often the water is the culprit if it is high in sulfur, is what I remember.

Most strong in my recall about bad minerals in water is that my spouse was very happy that one well we had tested to strong in something to raise turkeys with it as water source!!!

I do know whatever grains are fed with a growing ration, one has to KNOW the content of ALL components, including water, or you can have problems. And that can happen with NO distillers grains involved.


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