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Elk Hunting


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2009
Reaction score
Northern Alberta Canada
There is a general elk season in our area this year so we took a day off school to see if we could find one....
Looking east

Looking west

Not everything is learned in school :lol: :lol:

It took all day but we finaly spotted one, tied the horse's up and were able to call him in to 40 yard's. It took about 30 min. to get set up and for him to come in....sure built the excitement level, when we had him down my boy said "I didn't think you were EVER going to shoot, I thought he was going to charge us!"
Hope everyone has as much fun and as good a luck as we did this year!!

Lisa just called to tell me there were 20 Elk on our pivot, about 7 miles north of the house. She is on her way to brand inspect some cattle, and its just light enough to see, but she said there were at least 2 bulls in the bunch that were shooters. For her to say that, they must have been BIG. She thinks most of the Elk in this area, are just big Mulies. This area does have a season on Elk, but you have to draw for the tag, and that is next to impossible to do.
You are right, Bruce. Not everything is learned in school. And once
they start school, it seems like the school owns most of their time.
I'm glad you and your boy were able to hunt together. That you
got a nice elk is frosting on the cake.

Do the kids up there get hunting days? I think they still do here.

Beautiful country to hunt in, BTW! Thanks for sharing.
LazyWP said:
Lisa just called to tell me there were 20 Elk on our pivot, about 7 miles north of the house. She is on her way to brand inspect some cattle, and its just light enough to see, but she said there were at least 2 bulls in the bunch that were shooters. For her to say that, they must have been BIG. She thinks most of the Elk in this area, are just big Mulies. This area does have a season on Elk, but you have to draw for the tag, and that is next to impossible to do.
This is the first year for general elk tag's here, prevously they were on a draw. Not realy advertised but there is a landowner's tag available for animal's on draw that is only good for on your own land. Some said you had to be unsuccessful in the draw to get one, some said you could get one even if you didn't participate in the draw. I imagine the game law's are probably alot different in your area?
They have been a problem south of us for some time, just getting to the point around here were they are starting to cause trouble/damage.
Most who have had trouble with damage say it's a toss up which is worse haveing elk or haveing hunter's :shock: to many people won't get out of there 4x4 or off there quad to actualy go hunting.....kinda sad realy
Faster horses said:
You are right, Bruce. Not everything is learned in school. And once
they start school, it seems like the school owns most of their time.
I'm glad you and your boy were able to hunt together. That you
got a nice elk is frosting on the cake.

Do the kids up there get hunting days? I think they still do here.

Beautiful country to hunt in, BTW! Thanks for sharing.
Nope no hunting day's, they do however have, crazy hair day, pajama day, it was a long week so we watched a movie day etc. etc. Know don't get me wrong I am a believer in education and the social aspect of school, and am also friend's with several teacher's but......when you get so busy socializing my kid's that you have to send there school work home with them I think we may of gone to far?
I learned a long time ago that being successful in school doesn't alway's relate to being successful in life and vice versa.
Nice 6x6 Bull, that's great that you could take your kid with you hunting .its something they will remember for the rest of their life.
Bruce said:
LazyWP said:
Lisa just called to tell me there were 20 Elk on our pivot, about 7 miles north of the house. She is on her way to brand inspect some cattle, and its just light enough to see, but she said there were at least 2 bulls in the bunch that were shooters. For her to say that, they must have been BIG. She thinks most of the Elk in this area, are just big Mulies. This area does have a season on Elk, but you have to draw for the tag, and that is next to impossible to do.
This is the first year for general elk tag's here, prevously they were on a draw. Not realy advertised but there is a landowner's tag available for animal's on draw that is only good for on your own land. Some said you had to be unsuccessful in the draw to get one, some said you could get one even if you didn't participate in the draw. I imagine the game law's are probably alot different in your area?
They have been a problem south of us for some time, just getting to the point around here were they are starting to cause trouble/damage.
Most who have had trouble with damage say it's a toss up which is worse haveing elk or haveing hunter's :shock: to many people won't get out of there 4x4 or off there quad to actualy go hunting.....kinda sad realy

I am starting to see some Elk damage to the fences and such, but the Elk are still a nice novelty, so far. I think in this area, you have to have a "resident Elk herd" on your land, to get a "land owners" permit. So far the Elk aren't staying here year around.
By the way good job with the hunt. Its something the kids will always remember.
In Oregon, if you have 120 acres east of the Cascade Mt's or 40 ac. west side you are eligible to receive two elk tags for your land. You would put in for the whole unit as your first choice and your LOP tags as a second choice in the draw. That would guarantee you two tags only on your land if you only got your second choice. there are about twenty five units in the state of OR.
Now that is the way to spend some quality family time. Congrats on the bull. Some beautiful looking country.

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