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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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Promote Fair Trade

American trade policy should strengthen, not weaken, the health, environment, food sovereignty, working conditions, labor rights, and transparent, competitive market principles of this country and all countries. WORC supports a trade system that strengthens the health, environment, food sovereignty, working conditions and labor rights of all countries. Vibrant national economies are essential to a healthy global community.

Trade agreements must be negotiated in an open and public manner. Currently trade negotiations largely happen behind closed doors. The very people these agreements impact most have, for all practical purposes, no voice in this process.

WORC promotes fair trade by organizing its members to protest the corporate-driven trade deals that put rural America at risk. They are working to preserve local control and promote fair trade policies.

The Central American Free Trade Agreement (CAFTA) is a regional agreement between the U.S., the Dominican Republic and five Central American Countries: Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua. Modeled after NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), CAFTA includes several provisions repeating the most controversial sections of NAFTA. Like NAFTA, this trade agreement threatens family farmers and rancher, rural communities, workers and the sovereignty of all countries involved by favoring corporate agribusiness.

Throughout the summer, members of WORC organized in attempt to stop the "outsourcing of the American Cowboy" through the Australian Free Trade agreement.

Members of WORC continue to organize to stop multi-lateral trade agreements like the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA).

The FTAA includes all countries in the Western Hemisphere except for Cuba, and is undoubtedly the most far-reaching trade agreement in history. -read WORC's factsheet
CAFTA is one of the stepping-stones toward FTAA. In includes six Central American countries: El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic.
Both agreements are based on the failed model of NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement), but go beyond that agreement in scope and power.

Our members are concerned about the following principles of fair trade and work toward agreements that uphold:

Countries' rights to preserve family farms and promote global food security
Strong labor, environmental and public health standards
Fair and democratic negotiations processes that allow for public input by the very people impacted by the agreements.

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