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Fall Roundup..lots of pics..

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Well-known member
Aug 23, 2006
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S. of Valentine, NE
Last week,,when the weather was nicer, we had our big roundup of the spring herd. 1030 cow/calf pairs all gathered in one spot...made for some cool pictures I thought. As always,,hubby likes to get up before the moon to get started...lol Since it's an hour drive from home to the pasture, we were there right as the sun was coming up, it was a little chilly for awhile but it soon warmed up and we all were shedding coveralls and coats...


Cowboy Ron


The Cowboys for the day...


Gathering up the herd and heading north...


Moving along like an ant trail...


Hubby & Scooter...


All together around 2000 head...


Gliding over the last hills...


Save a Cowboy...My Jazzy can do it all...lol


Across the Anderson Bridge...almost home


Oh sure..now they show up after it's all done..lol j/k guys...


At the correls where we weaned the next day...
Couple of calander shots in there. Thanks for the pics. Looks like those ear muffs would have been just right in that second photo. Looks like Jassy has enough to do for one day.
Nice tour Jassy. Looks like your cattle handle well. I bet the longest part of the drive was stringing across that bridge.
The old-timers here talk about crossing beef drives across the old Fraser River bridge at Sheep Creek. No more than 15 head at a time then go back for 15 more. A few times they would have a little runaway and too many cattle would get on the bridge deck. It was a suspension bridge and overloaded it would start swinging side to side, a couple of times they said that the cables slid in their clamps. The old bridge was about 250 yards long and probably 150 feet to the water. All they could do was try to cut the flow and hope the cattle made it across without stopping or falling overboard. The old pilings are still there, I'll try to remember my camera next trip to Town.
That is soooooooooooooooooooooooo AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic pictures!!! That is so neat to see so many head of cattle trailing at once. It was also neat to see your dog working them, was Jazzy the only dog you had that day?
Great pictures, as usual :) Looked like a beautiful day for it. How are the calves doing?
Nice pics Jassy! Some very nice cattle and some even better country. I wish I had 2000 head to fool around with!
Great photos.....

How big is that pasture or the range there on for the summer? Are you cows all that run on that range?

Glad ya'll have been enjoying the roundup...sure wish ya could of been there though,,,it was the perfect day...weatherwise....

Lets see a few answers to some questions:

Yes there was one other bordercollie that day, but he spent most of the day up in the front end,,,so Jazzy had the whole backend to herself.

Weaning went good, so I hear,,I had to stay here and help my g-ma out that next day. Hubby had checked the Almanac and the sign was right for weaning...sometimes we get lucky!

We lease the McKelvie Forest ground in the summertime,,it has 5 huge pastures that we rotate on. It's a long ways from home, but it is good grass. We split that herd up and go with smaller bunches...only for the weaning time are they ever alltogether.

Thanks again...

Beautiful pictures Jassy. As always.

Every time I see the pictures or videos of the cows crossin that bridge....I'm so amazed. I know they do it year after year. But if we had to send our cows across somethin like that, I"m afraid we'd have a few jumpers LOL

And...of course....I can hear them crossin LOL :wink:
Hey Jassy! You have a spring calving herd and a fall calving herd, don't you? If so, if you have 1030 cows in your spring herd, how many in the fall herd?
BTW, awesome pictures!!! You sure have a way with the camera. I was just down right impressed seeing that many head of cattle together at one time! The bridge shots, the best!
Thank you Jassy for sharing the drive with your ranchersnet friends..................good luck
I still think it's an amazing cattle drive going across the bridge too Lilly...Even though there's not many places I can be to take pictures year after year,,I still like them the best. I've seen some of yur photo's with all the flooded ground and creek that your cows have to cross...our cows probably would drown if they didn't have the bridge..lol

Shelly,,,yes we do have 2 herds...the Fall herd is a little under 500 this year...so basically it seems like we're calving year round...gets a little hectic at time trying to keep up with both herds,,but so far it's worked out. In the dry years it really is tuff to manage all the grass so everyone gets their fair share...and when that happens the Fall herd gets culled pretty heavy...the spring herd is the main focus here...thanks again

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