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Farmers Union Border Position

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3/2/2005 5:01:00 PM

Canada Cattle Update: NFU Urges Senate To Support Conrad's Decision

WASHINGTON (March 2, 2005) – Following today's announcement by Sen. Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) that his resolution (S.J. Res. 4) rejecting the U.S. Agriculture Department's plans to reopen the Canadian border to live cattle will be voted on in the U.S. Senate, National Farmers Union President Dave Frederickson issued the following statement:

"National Farmers Union applauds all senators who signed the discharge petition allowing Senate Joint Resolution 4 to be voted on by the full United States Senate. When you consider the tremendous short-term economic impact this will have on our rural economy and the possible long-term negative impact on the U.S. cattle industry, it does not make sense for USDA to rush to judgment in re-opening the border. I urge all Senators to support this resolution.

"The Conrad resolution vote will be one of the clearest congressional votes held in recent history to see who stands up for the interests of America's family farmers, ranchers and consumers.

"While our membership continues to be sympathetic toward the hard-working farm and ranch families in Canada, transferring their BSE (bovine spongiform encephalopathy) problem to the U.S. will not benefit Canadian or American cattle producers. Since USDA published its rule to reestablish 'minimal risk categories' for importing cattle and beef from BSE-positive countries, two additional BSE-positive Canadian cattle have been discovered in the past two months.

"National Farmers Union recently concluded its 103rd annual convention, where delegates adopted a special order of business opposing reopening the border to Canada or any other country with BSE-positive cases until the following conditions are met:

Proof that the exporting nations' animals and products are BSE-free, and that it complies with a ban on ruminant-based feed;
U.S beef export markets are wholly re-established; and Mandatory country-of-origin labeling is fully implemented.
:roll: I guess that finding that elusive American born BSE cow could be a way to let this group down softly as well. USDA needs to find a way to do this without looking like a bad guy, and this will be it.

"Another American Cow has failed two preliminary BSE tests, stay tuned for final results."

Bury Rcalf without blame, and save face with the other bleeding hear protectionists at the same time.

Look for the announcement soon. :roll:
rkaiser...I guess that finding that elusive American born BSE cow could be a way to let this group down softly as well.

You Canadians sure sound like you want us to have a BSE cow.
:D Don't want it any more than you want another Canadian one. I just know damn well there are some in the States and they haven't "found" them yet. :roll:
:roll:Oh ya Tommy that is MY OPINION, not us Canadians. Some people in this world think for themselves, and thank goodness for OUR fight for freedom we have the right to express that personal opinion.
rkaiser...I just know damn well there are some in the States and they haven't "found" them yet.

Please inform the right people as to where they are located, because if they are here they need to be found and eliminated. But again that is just your opinion....right?

I also thank God for the right to express an opinion. :)
:D I don't know where they are Tommy, and please let's not make this into a conspiracy theory arguement. I am simply saying that testing amounts to very few cattle, in Canada and in the USA. Saying Canada has an epitemic by finding 3 cases and the USA only finding one is just a matter of luck, and time will expose more.

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