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feathered wings

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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Cabin Creek, Carlile,Wyoming
Back in Star Valley we had lot of bird, Ducks, Geese, Cranes, Blue Herion, Pelicans Medow Larks, Blue Birds, Killdeer, Black Birds, Redwing Black Birds, Black Assed Yellowbirds Tanagers, Rough Grouse and Blue Grouse, Hawks, Bald and Golden Eagles and even Buzzards, Purple Martins and swallows, Hummingbirds, ground nesting owls to small and big barn owls pulse many other songbirds.
Cabin Creek, well we have flocks of Meadow larks, Blue Birds and Killdeer, then turkeys and sharp tail. There, a few waters birds, Ducks on the reservoirs, one year there was hay on the Bozo, over a mile from water, I hit a Teals nest with the swather. It killed the hen, but I saved 3 of her babies. Donny, my son in law raised them. That fall they fly around with other teal till finally they left with them. The next few springs there be 2 or 3 Teal that buzz his house for a couple days.
I used to jump shoot ducks many years ago and loved nothing better than frying up a pan of Rough Grouse in September. On Cabin Creek We have Sharp Tail they like to stay under or close to the barb wire fences, to help protect them flying predators, I feel there not a big enough population to hunt.
Tenny and Donny had thousands of dollars of Groose decoys, and blinds, we are over here there not really any goose hunting, they have found spring turkey hunt, of sitting in Camo and calling in Turkeys, Sue even goes along and takes pictures. Only problem is that those toms are so full of Hormones that there no possible way to fix and eat one.
The killdeer like to nest next to or on the roadways and around the shop. I think they hatch out 2 clutches if the Bull snakes don't find their nest. We even had one this summer that was almost totally white. I know Sue or Tenny got a picture somewhere.
Tenny got an apartment house out for Purple Martins, they probably hatch out 2 clutches too. Tenny watched them one day fly up high with a blue bird feather and drop it they swoop in and catch it before it hit the ground. They fly back up and do it again, one time one Martin was chasing the feather and it hit the ground, it was game over and the other Martins even seem to shun the bird that ended the game.
we allow swallows to build on the cinder block shop. The bull snakes know they are there but it the one building they can't get up on the outside to get them. Though a few have gotten inside and slither along the rafters.
Another insect eater are bats, guess the species we have here pick out a ponderosa pine as a roosting tree. Never seen the tree but at night their lot of them helping lower the population of mosquitoes.
Now Blue Birds, we put up a few houses on fence post and high gate poles, some get used lot don't. But one day Sue and I were exploring, we still have been over every inch of this place yet. We were on 4 wheelers and found a skid trail from when the place was last logged, we got into some shale ground and kind of heavy timber and we came into this opening, we saw Flickers and saw dozens of holes in the trees in a couple acre area, and in most all the holes that the flickers were not using there was blue birds, dozens of them. We sat amazes and watched for over an hour.
One summer a reservoir dried up, late summer and fall rains filled it back up. We had a game camera on it that winter there was a hole in the ice in the middle, and the camera got video of Bald Eagles feasting on crawfish. I see sun fish in other reservoirs after they have dried up and have been told that wading birds will transport those fish eggs as they attach to their legs and repopulate ponds.
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Wow you had lots of birds back in the Star Valley.
Doing pretty good by the Tower as well
Like you we don't get much for waterfowl here unless they are high over head.
We have pretty much the birds you have. we must have some Logger head Shrikes as we find the odd snake or grasshopper impaled on the fence.
The Sharptail population has exploded up here,
Wow you had lots of birds back in the Star Valley.
Doing pretty good by the Tower as well
Like you we don't get much for waterfowl here unless they are high over head.
We have pretty much the birds you have. we must have some Logger head Shrikes as we find the odd snake or grasshopper impaled on the fence.
The Sharptail population has exploded up here,
yeah, found a mouse on a barb in both areas, those Shrikes are fun to watch. Sue took I bet 20-30 pics of Sharp-shinned Hawk out side our bedroom window eating a small bird
Speaking of birds and predators, we have put out bird seed and suet for our birds. Mr. FH puts the porch swing frame under the kitchen window so he can watch the birds. They really went through the suet amazingly fast. So we bought more suet. Same story. So he got some and put some wire around it. Tonight a coon was on top of the frame trying to get the suet. He went out and of course the coon ran away. Mr. FH waited and the coon came back. Our house has rock up the bottom part of the exterior. Mr. Coon went up the side of the rocks and got over on the frame in order to reach the suet.
It wasn't the birds after all. I bet Mr Coon won't be around much longer.

Last year we had more of the buggers. Mr FH greased the frame of the swing so they couldn't climb up the frame. That was hilarous. They couldn't climb it but you could see where they had tried to!!
Claw marks on all the grease. When they got into the garage through the cat door, and then into the house, looking at me on sitting in the living room...that was THE END!

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