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feed test

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
This is a test of some hay barley silage. Do you see any concerns. Is the ADF to high.
------------as fed---------------dry

Moisture 74.43%

dry matter 25.57%

Protien 3.52% - ----- ------- 13.79%

New PH 6.75%- ----- ------- 6.75%

Acid detergent fiber10.47% ------ -- 40.96%

NE gain .10 ----- .38

Digestable dry matter 14.57% ------ 56.99%

I hope this comes out clear enough to figure. I haven't used barley for silage but some concerns were expressed over the ADF what do you guy's and gals think?
I'm not real familiar with silage, but you need more energy numbers to give a better picture.

Also what is this being fed to, calves or cows?
They are hoping to grow out some PB red angus bulls. at 2.5 to 3 lbs. per day. The main concern was the ADF numbers as the ration could be balanced with hay and grain.
just looked in the NRC feed composition book, the barley silage they have listed in lower in protein (10.5%), higher in NEg (.45) and yours is lower in ADF (45). Digestibility of yours is lower than the book value. You should still be able to balance a ration with that for bull calves, just may need to add more energy to make it balance. When we used to ensile barley (usually Horseford hay barley) if you did not get it cut early enough, the numbers would come out about like you have. With the higher protein, you should be able to make it work. I have a ration balancing program, could run a ration for you if you would like, but I would need more info, what they weigh now, other feedstuffs available, and the values for the other feeds if you have them, or I can use the book values. Hope this helps. :???:
cowsense said:
BMr........whatsamatter....your CowBytes program shut down or what???? :wink: :lol: :lol:

No cowbytes is working fine but was concerned about ADF being to high but now I think it might be the Ph as 4 is ideal silage I have been told and this has a Ph of 6.75. Just looking for comments.
Ph 4 is very acidic, a higher ph will allow you to add more grain and avoid acidosis.(with in reason)

I would say you only need to add grain and maybe some hay for rumen scratch. The fibre will digest in silage form. Sometimes a feed test is just the basis and it feeds better than the numbers suggest.

Worst case you will have to add half hay and limit the silage if it is too much fibre, but you'll only know after a week or two on feed.

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