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Feeding on concrete


Well-known member
May 29, 2005
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I feed hay in a 20 acre woods moving the rings every time I feed all winter and then move to the concrete pad when it gets muddy in the spring.

Guess what, I'm on concrete now and unless something changes will continue till pasture as it is just to muddy for the cows.

I can't decide if I like this or not - - - lower heating bills but mid 40s F and a 20 MPH wind is cold!
Just about the same here George, only about 10 degrees colder. We're about 8 hours north of you, and a bit east. Only unroll hay on the snow about half time this winter, the rest of the time we're feeding on the little bit of concrete that we poured last fall.

Lucky I got it done otherwise we'd have no yard since the old concrete yard all went under when we rebuilt after the fire in '08.

It's just been brutal on the cow's hooves since they have been walking on rough frozen ground when it freezes after the rains we've gotten almost every week.
Most of the late fall early winter we were in wet conditions making it interesting to feed in logged off areas due to mud. Things are froze now and I am enjoying feeding hay out in areas that will be future pasture. Feeding hay on the area will speed up the conversion process to good forage production.

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