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Fightin' Words!!

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Fightin' Words
Written by Russ Vaughn
Friday, November 26, 2004

You media pansies may squeal and may squirm,
But a fightin' man knows that the way to confirm,
That some jihadist bastard truly is dead,
Is a brain-tappin' round fired into his head.
To hell with some weenie with his journalist degree
Safe away from the combat, tryin' to tell me,
I should check him for breathin,' examine his eyes.
Nope, I'm punchin' his ticket to Muj paradise.

To hell with you wimps from your Ivy League schools,
Sittin' far from the war tellin' me about rules
And preachin' to me your wrong-headed contention
That I should observe the Geneva Convention,
Which doesn't apply to a terrorist scum
So evil and cruel their own people run from,
Cold-blooded killers who love to behead,
Shove that mother' Geneva, I'm leavin' em dead.

You slick talkingheads may preach, preen, and prattle,
But you're damn well not here in the thick of the battle.
It's chaotic, confusin' it all comes at you fast,
So it's Muj checkin' out because I'm going to last.
Yeah, I'll last through this fight and send his rear away
To his fat ugly virgins while I'm still in play.
If you journalist weenies think that's cold, cruel, and crass,
Then pucker up sweeties, kiss a fightin' man's ass.

Russ Vaughn
2d Bn, 327th Parachute Infantry Regiment
101st Airborne Division
Vietnam 65-66

About the Writer: Russ describes himself as a proud red-state retard amd a former Democrat 'til they made him politically homeless and the Republicans offered him shelter. He spent six years as a paratrooper and served in Vietnam with the 101st Airborne. Russ receives e-mail at [email protected].
While I believe that we should abide by the "rules of War" . they can only apply when "both sides" agree to abide, in principle to the basic tenets set forth by civilized people.

"In the 2003 war in Iraq, Iraqi troops waved a white flag and then opened fire on the U.S. soldiers who approached to accept their surrender; this act is prohibited under the Hague laws. In World War II, the Nazis in Germany performed medical experiments on civilians; this act is prohibited in all of the Geneva Conventions."

From the Hague rules" In the blanket protection of wounded or sick troops, there is the assumption that these people are unarmed, So in order to be fully protected from attack under the laws of war, they must be vulnerable to attack.

"The Geneva Conventions are so outdated and are written so broadly that they have become a sword used by terrorists to kill civilians, rather than a shield to protect civilians from terrorists. These international laws have become part of the problem, rather than part of the solution."

"Terrorists who do not care about the laws of warfare target innocent noncombatants. Indeed, their goal is to maximize the number of deaths and injuries among the most vulnerable civilians, such as children, women and the elderly. They employ suicide bombers who cannot be deterred by the threat of death or imprisonment because they are brainwashed to believe that their reward awaits them in another world. They have no "return address."

The terrorist leaders -- who do not wear military uniforms -- deliberately hide among noncombatants. They have also used ambulances, women pretending to be sick or pregnant, and even children as carriers of lethal explosives.

By employing these tactics, terrorists put the democracies to difficult choices: Either allow those who plan and coordinate terrorist attacks to escape justice and continue their victimization of civilians, or attack them in their enclaves, thereby risking death or injury to the civilians they are using as human shields. "

Good post Steve, like always! That poem lacked PC, but I got a kick out of it, hope you did too.

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