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Do you not think that grass won't recover on it's own?

They burn the Flint hills every spring without reseeding,
Any fire we've had the grass recovers and it's usually better because it got rid of some woody species.

Some has started up. Some where the sage brush was real thick it burned real hot and the grass was thin there isn't a hint of coming back. So for now I will wait. The other thing about seeding I could get some better species of grass growing. The previous owner had way too many horses and seriously over grazed.
Do you not think that grass won't recover on it's own?

They burn the Flint hills every spring without reseeding,
Any fire we've had the grass recovers and it's usually better because it got rid of some woody species.
Flint hills fires are spring burns, they remove the old growth before the grass is growing…. When we get summer fires, it has a hard time regrowing due to the crown being damaged.
Are there any fire lookouts still in use in any of the areas some of you are in?
I worked 8 or 9 years at that job, they were not consecutive years. Enjoyed it very much.
Had hoped that when I retired, I would be able to go back and work on one of the lookouts in my area, but they
have all been replaced with cameras.
I found out that along with no help for reseeding they can't help with fencing because I am in the grassland reserve program. So I come up with a brilliant idea. Get my neighbor to sign up for cost share and I will pay him for half of his portion of the cost. A great idea until I talked to the neighbor and found out that he has his in the same grassland preservation program. Now I am walking fence to figure out which can be salvaged with some repair and which areas need new fence.
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I am poorly educated about these programs, so I don't know if what you reference as "grassland reserve program" is the same as the Conservation Reserve Program. But some information seems to indicate that being enrolled in the CRP should not exclude you from other FSA programs..
One issue that might arise would be if you and your neighbor apply for same section of fence.

You quite likely are way ahead of me on this, but might be worth looking deeper.

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