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Flying Today


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2008
Reaction score
west chilcotin bc
Too busy looking for cows and forgot the camera was in hand until the return trip. Saw a bull moose that would have made a nice picture.......next time.

Salt Meadow area about 2 miles north of home

Upper Meadow in the background.

Found quite a few of what we are missing today.

Ulgatcho Mtns with Three Circle Ranch, Lester Dorsey's second to last place he owned in the foreground.

Kappan Mountain.

Anahim Lake with Rainbow Mtns in the background.

Lining up on the "landing strip", it's a little rough. :lol:

Getting closer.

Almost there.

Nose up, just prior to the first bump.

And a cow picture. 1994 model, last kick at the cat wasn't too bad. She and 3 other old crocks spent the summer in the yard.
Those pictures remind me of the times i flew around in one of them 2 seaters, no tellin how many cowboys have found the good lord when those things start sputterin at about 3000 feet.
good luck
Nice pictures. Don't get to see too many from the air.
Are those meadows where someone has clear out the trees or are they natural? Beautiful country up there. We are going to have to visit sometime.
Gcreek, I'm glad you thought to take a few pictures of your airplane ride on the way back home. It's fun getting a bird's eye view of your neck of the woods. You live in wonderful cattle country with lots of natural protection, and it looks like you should always have an ample supply of firewood. Thanks for the photos.
Nice gcreek. Not a very well defined airstrip. :wink: One of those you can land in any which direction. Nice to see you use a fairly modern airplane with metal wings and even a few gages. Too bad there are so many trees, you could have used the plane to muster them in.
Neat pictures, we've got to get up there sometime. Mike does have his passport picture done, and the application is on the counter :) Good thing you kept that old cow another year!
The faulty fuel gauge was discussed, now that "Crash" knows the idiosyncrocies of the plane he just runs from the top half of the tank in that wing.

The grassy areas are all natural, keep in mind that 40-50% of the opens are unusable muskeg for cattle, the moose do well on them.

The topic of a 2 seater helicopter has come up several times but I can get in enough jackpots with my 4 Wheelers than owning one of them. :wink:
That plane would be handy out this a way. Looks like a great way to find those last lost sisters of the fall. Maybe you should'a checked your "neighbors salt lick" and saved yourself the flight! :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: Glad to see you made it back to the ground intact! :D
hey gcreek that picture of the 3circle ranch is that the one on the side road going into roger&wandas about 3miles back out from the homeplace?
Fun seeing your pictures...can your cattle utilize the bogs once your ground freezes up or do you usually have too much snow? If we get lucky we are able to graze our bogs, and it has really good feed that sometimes is still pretty green; fall pasture is invaluable! Is there much logging in your area?
Those pictures remind me of the times i flew around in one of them 2 seaters, no tellin how many cowboys have found the good lord when those things start sputterin at about 3000 feet.
good luck
lot of those 2 seaters will not fly here with any body on board as we start at 6000 feet and there moutain over 13,000 most around 10,000

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