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Food Animal Id

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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
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The comments period for the Individual Food and non- food ( well you can eat horses, dogs, and cats,) was suppose to be over on July 6th. We have not heard one word out of USDA and Neil H on what is going to happen. I was just wondering if I missed the "good news"??? :roll: Does the term,"Fiddling while the beer joint burns" have any meaning to the USDA??? Apparently...............NOT!
Gee CattleCo ,Just call them in Washington and Neal H will tell YOU. You should be able to ask about comments period for the Individual Food and non- food and their results.
Porker , since you and Big Bill have all the answers on data management.....................you call Neil!
GOSH maybe I should call the FSA and get them on ScoringAg ,Then I could retire with that amount of Commisions.Heck they could even use SSI's CAFO reporting records.Thanks CattleCo ,that was a good Idee.
I see SS is notgoing to be at the BIg ID meetingin Chicago next month.....talk about a non player! :roll:
CattleCo,I now get the letter from the President since I can sell their system and I see that they are working with 4 reading and tag supplyers that will be there from around the world.
I see that they are working with 4 reading and tag supplyers that will be there from around the world.

What four readers and tag companies? Facts not Fiction! If SS is such a player they should be there and riding the coat-tails of another tag supplier. Give me a break! TO go ahead and answer the question I know you will be sending......CATTLECo Data Systems does not believe in private data warehouses so we won't be there. AND one of the companies that sell the product will be there and not riding a free pony!

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