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Fourth of July at Crawford, Nebraska, Part One

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Feb 11, 2005
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northern Nebraska Sandhills

The parade was at ten o'clock in the morning. American Legion members started the parade by carrying Old Glory. The gentleman in front of me was so patriotic that he not only took off his hat, but he also took off his hair. :wink: :)

The Grand Marshalls were both living in their tenth decade, so they were in their nineties. They both appeared to still be fit as a fiddle.

Pretty quaint old Model T pickup that they got to ride in for the parade




A Fort Robinson entry


The driver of this team was a young man when he worked for my dad in the spring of 1962. I was ten years old at the time, and Jim was my hero. He is wearing a patch over his eye in this photo. A few years after he left our ranch, he was changing jobs. While carrying his suitcase down a flight of stairs, he dropped the luggage. A pistol packed in the suitcase discharged, and as the bullet was richocheting down the stairway, it put out Jim's eye. For awhile he wore a glass eye. Once when he entered the wild horse race at our local rodeo, his girlfriend held the glass eye while he participated. He has always been a colorful cowboy.



Wranglers from Fort Robinson

Turning the corner

The little gal in the fifth picture took a heck of a spill at the Rodeo, That night. A heckuva hot day, We were up the street from ya it looks like.
Mini Rancher said:
The little gal in the fifth picture took a heck of a spill at the Rodeo, That night. A heckuva hot day, We were up the street from ya it looks like.

Looks like she's mounted on a little too much horse....
Oldtimer said:
Mini Rancher said:
The little gal in the fifth picture took a heck of a spill at the Rodeo, That night. A heckuva hot day, We were up the street from ya it looks like.

Looks like she's mounted on a little too much horse....

I agree with ya OT. I thought she was in trouble when I saw the picture. :x
Is that cute red stage coach smaller than they'd be normally? It looks that way to me.

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