CHICAGO, Jul 22, 2011 (Dow Jones Commodities News via Comtex) --
US Cattle Placed In Feedlots Rise In June From Year Ago
The number of young cattle added to feedlots in June was 4.1% higher compared to last year as drought-stricken producers sold animals to feedlots earlier than expected. The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its semiannual cattle-inventory and monthly cattle-on-feed reports Friday, after trading closed. Feedlots added 1.7 million young animals, which are known as feeders, during June. Analysts surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires expected the USDA to show feedlots made 1.58 million placements, or 7.6% less than in June of last year.
Actual placement were up 4.1% when analysts had expected them to be down 7.6%? That means that June placements were more than 11% higher than expected. I would expect that we're in for a rough ride when the boards open up Monday.
Probably already seeing it in the Saturday sales today - I'll find out for sure sometime after midnight. Did anybody else make a sale today?
US Cattle Placed In Feedlots Rise In June From Year Ago
The number of young cattle added to feedlots in June was 4.1% higher compared to last year as drought-stricken producers sold animals to feedlots earlier than expected. The U.S. Department of Agriculture released its semiannual cattle-inventory and monthly cattle-on-feed reports Friday, after trading closed. Feedlots added 1.7 million young animals, which are known as feeders, during June. Analysts surveyed by Dow Jones Newswires expected the USDA to show feedlots made 1.58 million placements, or 7.6% less than in June of last year.
Actual placement were up 4.1% when analysts had expected them to be down 7.6%? That means that June placements were more than 11% higher than expected. I would expect that we're in for a rough ride when the boards open up Monday.
Probably already seeing it in the Saturday sales today - I'll find out for sure sometime after midnight. Did anybody else make a sale today?