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Faster horses said:
Glad to see you posting, haymaker. How's married life treating you?

Truthfully faster horses married life is not good, my sweetie has just been diagnoised with stage 4 inoperarable lung cancer, sad deal here.
Faster horses said:
Glad to see you posting, haymaker. How's married life treating you?

Truthfully faster horses married life is not good, my sweetie has just been diagnoised with stage 4 inoperarable lung cancer, sad deal here.

Oh no!!! I'm so sorry. Please know there are prayers from Montana/SD for the both of you. :cry:

Keep us posted, okay? Your ranchers.net family care about you.
Thanks everyone for the support and kind words, that cancer don't pick and choose who nit gets after I know way too many good people that it hhas gotten.
This Lady has never smoked always watch her diet lived a very clean life style and visited her doctor regularly.
Had a cough that came on suddenly, next thing we know after several tests.
Stage 4 lung cancer.
Good luck
Hang in there.

Might not hurt to check out Cancer Treatment Centers of America. They were able to work a miracle with one of my nieces. She is now 100% cancer free after an original diagnosis of being terminal.

Thoughts & prayers for the both of ya.
That's a tough one. Prayers from here. Boss had the same thing happen, and he didn't make 5 months.
I been trying to talk her into going to MD Anderson which is only 200 miles from here but she wont go.
She thinks she has some good doctors in san Antonio and is a candidate for oral chemo, tests pending.
Load her up and haul her to MD Anderson whether she wants to go or not....or talk privately to one of her docs & if he thinks MDA would be better have him set it up for her to go there.

About 15 years ago we had to fool my mother into seeing another doc...ended up saving her life.

Stubborn damned hard headed women....they can't hear & they won't listen....but sometimes you just gotta out think em.

A full 50% of the doctors who are "practicing" graduated in the bottom half of their class at med school. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement for the medical profession.
This from a retired RN: seek second opinion, please. Can't hurt and just might save her as other folks have said. We have a friend who was told she had stage 4 cancer, breast cancer to the brain. She had surgery, chemo, radiation and has been with us 7+ years, back to work and still here. She got treatment at a big Phila. hospital.

God bless you two. It is not an easy path, but the Lord will walk it with you.

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