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Gold Rush Alaska


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2008
Reaction score
NW South Dakota
did anyone else watch that show last season? i see the season premiere is on tonight.

this should be good.......

:lol: :lol:
3rd night of the PBR Finals is on Versus at 7PM MT....Tonight is the eliminator bulls....
although I think these guys are idiots, and the old man is a COMPLETE MORON, I admire the guts it took to wrap up everything you have and chase a dream. I think the Dakota guy is an ass. those idiots were right on top of the gold, and the guy hood winked them. it was a legal move, but a dirty one. I wish the idiots luck in the journey ahead...and i hope to see most of the shows.
I mentioned this show in a thread last week. Taliban Todd and the Tards, from the Island of Misfit Toys. Jiggsy, I agree that Taliban Todd's old man is a complete moron, as are most of the rest of the crew...BUT....I like Dakota Fred. He's the ONLY one on the show who knows what he's doing, and the Tard Brigade was too stupid to listen and learn from him.

Taliban Todd missed a payment, AND, Fred had had an offer on Poucupine Creek for years....so in no way was the manuever dirty or illegal...it was just business. Fred told Taliban Todd last season that he intended to mine Porcupine Creek this coming season BY HIMSELF. Taliban Todd failed to listen once again. Big surprise.

As another poster said, the show is hard to watch.
jigs said:
although I think these guys are idiots, and the old man is a COMPLETE MORON, I admire the guts it took to wrap up everything you have and chase a dream. I think the Dakota guy is an ass. those idiots were right on top of the gold, and the guy hood winked them. it was a legal move, but a dirty one. I wish the idiots luck in the journey ahead...and i hope to see most of the shows.

That's what happens when you miss a lease payment.

No one was hoodwinked
The best thing about Taliban Todd & the Tards being on is that the Tweto girls are on afterwards in Flying Wild Alaska. They are SMOKIN"! :D 8)
fred could have got all this done well before the idiots moved up there to mine... plus, Todd should have been paying the lease rather than finding better places to mine..... I hope they follow Freds adventures at the mine...I am VERY interested to see this mother load that the old cook keeps saying is there....the old man ought to be mute.
The old man is a moron,and everytime i hear him say no guts no glory,just proves it once again.And whats up with taliban Todd always saying you need a hug to the guys?Is he a fudge packer or what?
The way I see it, after the way Taliban Todd & the Tards treated Fred last season, Fred don't owe them boys a damn thing. HE TOLD THEM WHAT HE WAS GOING TO DO!

After last season with no women, Taliban Todd & the rest probably enjoy a little butt pirate action as needed.

GAWD but that old man is annoying and stupid! Woulda served him right to have lost that 400 excavator in the river when he took off by himself with it, him being so smart and all.
loomixguy said:
The way I see it, after the way Taliban Todd & the Tards treated Fred last season, Fred don't owe them boys a damn thing. HE TOLD THEM WHAT HE WAS GOING TO DO!

After last season with no women, Taliban Todd & the rest probably enjoy a little butt pirate action as needed.

GAWD but that old man is annoying and stupid! Woulda served him right to have lost that 400 excavator in the river when he took off by himself with it, him being so smart and all.

Maybe it should be called Taliban Todd and the turd burglars? :lol:
3words said:
loomixguy said:
The way I see it, after the way Taliban Todd & the Tards treated Fred last season, Fred don't owe them boys a damn thing. HE TOLD THEM WHAT HE WAS GOING TO DO!

After last season with no women, Taliban Todd & the rest probably enjoy a little butt pirate action as needed.

GAWD but that old man is annoying and stupid! Woulda served him right to have lost that 400 excavator in the river when he took off by himself with it, him being so smart and all.

Maybe it should be called Taliban Todd and the turd burglars? :lol:


I think we have a winner! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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