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Good news/Bad news

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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First the good news. Sold 43 bred heifers yesterday for an average of $1412. They brought $300 more than I thought they would.

The bad news is that the only reason I sold them is that we are experiencing the absolute worst conditions I have seen in my 59 yrs. There is nothing but a foot or more of mud all over my pastures where the cattle are. Can barely get to hay in the yards with a front wheel assist. No dry or solid place anywhere to unroll hay. Had no intention of selling the heifers till last Tues. when I decided I just could not even drive the 4 wheeler out to check on the hfrs. let alone get one in that needed assistance.

Many calves have been lost in N. MO due to cold and snow in Feb. and now the mud in March. Fortunately I haven,t started calving yet and we are supposed to see that orange ball in the sky next week.

Hope the guys that bought the heifers make money. If so we all will have some good prices ahead.
Nothing worse than cows and mud. You made a good decision and thankfully were rewarded because of your good management. How much Red Ball do you need to start getting around again? I assume there are cows still at home. I hope the sun comes out soon.
>> Sold 43 bred heifers yesterday for an average of $1412<<

>>Hope the guys that bought the heifers make money<<
Wow hard to see how that would be possible.
per said:
Nothing worse than cows and mud. You made a good decision and thankfully were rewarded because of your good management. How much Red Ball do you need to start getting around again? I assume there are cows still at home. I hope the sun comes out soon.

I'd say we need a week of sun and wind to at least get some solid ground. Cows due to start in a couple of weeks so hopefully better by then.

I was a senior at MU in 1973 when we had a very wet spring and then a blizzard on April 9. Lost a few cows and several calves that time so guess Dad had it worse then than now.
wdcook: I feel your pain on the mud issue as it is about as bad as I can remember. Even in "97 we had winter to end all winters we had about as nice a March as would coud have had before it got bad again. We just can't get the sun to shine.

For what you sold your heifers for I think you should sleep well at night knowing you did the right thing. I have few to sell myself - just waiting for the weather to improve a little.
I don't know whether to feel good for you or bad...I guess I'll feel
good. :lol: :lol:

Sorry for all the mud, but there will be an end to it eventually.
I hate for calves to be in snow or mud, so I feel for you.

Good luck in your calving. Your heifers must have been real nice
ones to bring that kind of money. So give yourself a little
pat on the back. :nod:
It's unbelievable, isn't it? The temperature has been above normal about 10 days in the last 100, and under it the remaining 90. There is just nothing growing around here, and I live in a pretty green environment. I haven't been on this earth as long as some of you, but I don't ever remember anything like it.

Interesting you mentioned '73. All the older gentlemen around here are saying that was the last time they saw it like this.

I am really, really looking forward to an above average week or two. We had an "average" week a couple of weeks ago.....there were even a couple of above average days. You could literally tell that the grasses were a little taller in the evening than they were in the morning. It was sure a good start. I think things are going to explode when the temperature starts rising.

Now, wouldn't it be nice if we were reflecting on how abnormally cool and wet July and August have been!! Let's keep our fingers crossed.

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