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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
I have enjoyed sparring with most of you over the past few months, but this board has turned into comedy central and total bullshit. I have better things to do with my time...................................... "pull your belts tight cause it is gonna hurt when you hit the wall"! :roll:
OH come on folks...70 views and no reply begging him to stay?
That makes it seem like no one will miss him. Don't you think ya'll could at least try to stop grieving long enough to comment. Ya'll know he is stopping back every couple hours to see if anyone misses him yet. :lol:
You have brought balance to many debates CattleCo. 8)

I for one think you ought to stick around!
stick around cattle co...........................good luck PS your definition of the board is fairly close,lots of BS going on here,so why so serious?This board wont change for you,Diverisity interspersed with comedy,throw in a few facts here and there,some packer lovers a few R CALF members seeking fairness,some canuckle heads and a canadian hussie or two and you have the making's for some interesting debate,also there are several on here that are very knowledgeable on the issuse's and without doubt intelligent and educated. So you see ranchers net has a little for every one,.............enjoy it :wink:
stick around cattle co...........................good luck PS your definition of the board is fairly close,lots of BS going on here,so why so serious?This board wont change for you,Diverisity interspersed with comedy,throw in a few facts here and there,some packer lovers a few R CALF members seeking fairness,some canuckle heads and a canadian hussie or two and you have the making's for some interesting debate

Great analysis Haymaker! :D :D

How could you not want to stay around CattleCo, you know it would be easier to quit smoking or any other habit, than to quit Ranchers.

and you know they haven't started any support groups for Ranchers.net withdrawals yet, so I don't think it would be safe for your health either.
My advice would be against quitting this board cold turkey. Start winding down slowly and progressively less hours per day. It should be feasible to be "cured" of this addiction in 30 - 40 years. :nod: :yeah: :nod:
Good intentions sometimes fail. Or is it good intentions? Heck, I bet you are addicted too. I don't expect all to agree with me on here; but if we did, there would be no need for discussion.
Good intentions sometimes fail. Or is it good intentions? Heck, I bet you are addicted too. I don't expect all to agree with me on here; but if we did, there would be no need for discussion

"If I was born knowing everything, there wouldn't be much reason for living."

I would say one's purpose in life is a little closer to learning, than teaching, if it was put on a scale.

I expect, even if we don't agree with eachother, it is educating, if not a little fun at times ribbing some.
Murgen said:

"If I was born knowing everything, there wouldn't be much reason for living.".

How true, Murgen. You speak like a man willing to learn AND teach.
But I can see why Cattle Co left. He got tired of a particular individual who is condescending and so full of himself that he cannot see that others have opinions and knowledge. All he can see is himself.

So Cattle Co, I know why you don't need this. I don't either. So take care and maybe our paths will cross again.
How true, Murgen. You speak like a man willing to learn AND teach.
But I can see why Cattle Co left. He got tired of a particular individual who is condescending and so full of himself that he cannot see that others have opinions and knowledge. All he can see is himself.

So Cattle Co, I know why you don't need this. I don't either. So take care and maybe our paths will cross again

Chief, I'll have to disagree with you! We do need this.

I used to like disagreeing with people, it was a challenge. But the point is not to "win", but to learn. In learning, we also gain a certain respect for those that have different personalities and opinions. I think this fosters acceptance, if that's the right word.

There will always be the less humble, more opinionated individuals. The communication skills and patience we learn from such a task, greatly add to our own personalities.

I for one, like this forum. Different opinions, a little arguing, bitching and acceptance, goes a long way to self-realization. Which makes us better equiped to deal with others, and self.

I'll jump off the soapbox now, and get back to learning on Ranchers! :D :D

Hell, with the woman on here, I might even someday understand them!

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