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Good Sunday, and Christmas Mornin'


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2006
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Eastern Colorado
This is interesting. I had never cared for the song about the 12 days of Christmas. I figured whoever wrote it must have been pretty boooored! I found out a little history on it. It was written by the early and persecuted church. These people were not free to thank God without risking life and property. The song is symbolic:

The first day of Christmas my true love (God) gave to me (sinful man) a partridge (Christ) in a pear tree (to die upon the tree).

That is not the only gift they thanked God for -- two turtle doves. The bible (two testaments, old and new) Doves, Noah’s dove and the dove that descended on Christ at His baptism.

Three French Hens (faith, hope and charity)

Four Mocking Birds. Mathew, Mark, Luke and John repeated the same story of the life of Jesus.

Five books of Moses. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deuteronomy.

Six days of Creation.

Seven, they thanked God for Spiritual Gifts.

Eight, the beatitudes.

Nine, the fruit of the Spirit.

Ten, the ten commandments.

Eleven, the faithful disciples.

Twelve points of doctrine.

The song will never be the same for me again. All the numbers do not necessarily match up with my translation of scripture, but according to the literature I have, these are the things the ones who first sang this song thought of as they went down the list. I would add another thing we have to be grateful for, that being the right to Thank God openly for His shower of many blessings He has bestowed upon us without fearing harm to my family or property. My wife’s family fled Germany to Russia because of religious persecution. It was no better, so they came to America where they enjoyed, practiced and protected our freedom to worship God. Sadly, today we are faced with protecting our freedoms from our own courts and government. We owe it to our children and children’s children to do so. Have a good Sunday mornin” and a very Merry Christmas!
Next week is Christmas for most folks, But we are in Kansas celebrating the holiday with Daughter # 2 and grandchildren, so I posted this. Next week, we'll be back in Colorado for Christmas with daughter # 1 & 3, so you'll get a double dose this year!
Thanks for the history lesson, Shortgrass. The song will take on new meaning for me. It always has seemed so repetitive and redundant, but as the saying goes, "history tends to repeat itself." :wink:

Have a great Christmas, to you and your family, and to everyone else across the land.
The greatest freedom we have in America is the freedom to worship as we choose. This includes Christians who celebrate Christmas, and those who don't. Personally, I can't comprehend not celebrating Christmas but I respect the rights of those who don't.

Merry Christmas to everyone at ranchers and best wishes for a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Excellent....in our Church we actually celebrate the 12 days of Christmas from Christmas Day to the Epiphany. The same for Easter. We celebrate Easter from Easter Sunday thru Pentecost.

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