Well-known member
I dropped an egg. Only dropped it time only, but it was as broke as the Ten Commandments! Adam only sinned once, and there were serious repercussions. The serpent was cursed, the ground cursed, and Adam and Eve also. Now, I couldn't put the egg together any more than all the King's horses and all the King's men could fix Humpty. An unkind word may never be unsaid. You can not undo an unkind deed. Once is enough to bring on serious repercussions. At that point, we can only seek forgiveness. Some people will do that, some won't. God will. Were it not for the grace of God, we would all be doomed. God does not just sweep our sin under the table and forget about it. He is just, and payment must be made. Jesus, although sinless, died so that we did not have to. He paid a great price for us. We call that "redeeming" us. I call it loving us! God loves me, and I think that is pretty cool. Loves you too, ya know. Salvation is yours for the taking. Just turn from your sin to your Savior. Now armed with that reminder, how could we not have a good Sunday mornin?