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Gotta love Sarah

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Feb 4, 2008
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First, she says one of the reason she's resigning the Governor's job is because the media won't leave her kids alone.

Then she drags her Down Syndrome baby, Trig, front and center by claiming Obama's health plan would kill him.

But, hey, that's ok: she's a leader of the Republican/Conservative party. They don't have to make sense; just punch the right buttons on the right wing kooks psyche.

:lol: :lol:

Did I miss something? Did Sarah get elected or appointed to a new office? Frankie says she is leading the republicans.

Somehow I thought she had chosen the servant leadership route. Alaskans had expressed regret and understanding of why she made the choice she made. She was their leader, not mine.
looks like citizens are making her the leader of any type of resistance to the tyranny

When those that have their heads still stuck in the sand, about tyranny, come to realize they need a new leader, who will they drift towards?
Well I understand that one of the pres. people supports killing children that are not perfect. But I imagine you nn are quite content with the concept? Don't you still have plenty of stuff to screw up in your own country.
Aztumbleweed said:
Well I understand that one of the pres. people supports killing children that are not perfect. But I imagine you nn are quite content with the concept? Don't you still have plenty of stuff to screw up in your own country.

One guy out of a staff of 1000's has written about it :roll: I watched almost all the Senate and some of the House hearings on the current bills- and that idea has not even come up--in fact some of the hearings dealt with improving the long term care for such children- and a whole section deals on providing more care for children with Autism...

And scare tactic being promoted by the Fearmongers...

Thats where some of these Repubs- like Enzi, Coburn, McCain and many others that need to step forward- and kill these rightwingnut rumors...
what do the other 2 advisors on Health care believe, OT?

If an emergency happens, like a depression, how will they ration Health Care, what's in the plan?

Do you see any reason for people to be concerned?
fff said:
First, she says one of the reason she's resigning the Governor's job is because the media won't leave her kids alone.

Then she drags her Down Syndrome baby, Trig, front and center by claiming Obama's health plan would kill him.

But, hey, that's ok: she's a leader of the Republican/Conservative party. They don't have to make sense; just punch the right buttons on the right wing kooks psyche.

:lol: :lol:

Plenty of grown up discussion going on with politics and all you can do is a drive by Palin post! :roll:
Oldtimer said:
Aztumbleweed said:
Well I understand that one of the pres. people supports killing children that are not perfect. But I imagine you nn are quite content with the concept? Don't you still have plenty of stuff to screw up in your own country.

One guy out of a staff of 1000's has written about it :roll: I watched almost all the Senate and some of the House hearings on the current bills- and that idea has not even come up--in fact some of the hearings dealt with improving the long term care for such children- and a whole section deals on providing more care for children with Autism...

And scare tactic being promoted by the Fearmongers...

Thats where some of these Repubs- like Enzi, Coburn, McCain and many others that need to step forward- and kill these rightwingnut rumors...

What about the left wing nut rumors that say the same thing. You must not be paying attention. Or else the Republicans now have a 60% plus following. But those I am reading comments out of are dems too.
hypocritexposer said:
what do the other 2 advisors on Health care believe, OT?

If an emergency happens, like a depression, how will they ration Health Care, what's in the plan?

Do you see any reason for people to be concerned?

In case of a depression health care will be rationed by the fact people will not have the money to pay for the insurance. Then what. Sometimes I admire your intelect and then you also can be pretty stupid. Maybe you have read to many Mad Magazines about Alfred P. Newman. You know What me worry.
hurleyjd said:
hypocritexposer said:
what do the other 2 advisors on Health care believe, OT?

If an emergency happens, like a depression, how will they ration Health Care, what's in the plan?

Do you see any reason for people to be concerned?

In case of a depression health care will be rationed by the fact people will not have the money to pay for the insurance. Then what. Sometimes I admire your intelect and then you also can be pretty stupid. Maybe you have read to many Mad Magazines about Alfred P. Newman. You know What me worry.

Then why spend trillions that we don't have when nothing will change?
If universal insurance is the only option, what option do you you have?

Who will be doing the rationing?

your intellect confuses me too sometimes, but it does not mean it is irrelevant.

If you do not have all the answers, then ask.

are you getting your answers, or being silenced into submission?
hypocritexposer said:
If universal insurance is the only option, what option do you you have?

Hypocrit- do you read any of these- or just take off searching for more provocative rightwingnut stuff to post and stir up fear and hate ?

Under 2 of the bills- they will offer a government health care plan as an optional choice-BUT most of the insurance will still be provided by private insurers- and you can stay with your present insurance company....
The Baucus/Grassley Bill probably will not even offer the alternative of a government plan- with all insurance being provided by private carriers- but with the requirement they have to cover all and can not turn down people for any reason like they can now....

Who will be doing the rationing?

There is no talk of rationing in any of the bills....Did you read Baucus's email?

are you getting your answers, or being silenced into submission?

I got many of my answers because instead of watching Big Brother or realism TV- I watched hours of the committee hearings on C-SPAN and listened to the arguments- and the Congressional attorneys opinions on what each section and each amendment meant....

None of the bills is perfect- and I doubt that the Final Bill will be (no legislation is) - but they are definitely nothing we need to go running down the street wee weeing down our leg yelling the sky is falling either...
hypocritexposer said:
If universal insurance is the only option, what option do you you have?

Who will be doing the rationing?

your intellect confuses me too sometimes, but it does not mean it is irrelevant.

If you do not have all the answers, then ask.

are you getting your answers, or being silenced into submission?

I did not mean the future healthcare plan, if left as it is there will be no money in a depression to pay the doctors let alone buy healthcare inusrance. Maybe the doctor might take a pound of butter. I have looked at the healthcare bill and bounced the e-mailed statements I have received from various friends. The e-mails does not in any way reflect what is in the healthcare bill. Have you checked any of them out. Do you agree with some of the statements floating around,such as the bill on page 425 says that health care will be to expensive and the old people will not be given any care and they will die. Here is a personel case where a doctor told us what would happen. My father was admitted to the hosiptal through the emergency room he was 93 at the time. They found a very large adominal anyersum that was large. One of the doctors in the hospital who was called a hospitler sit down and explained to me what to expect. He said that he could get one of the vascular surgeons to talk to me. The surgeon will tell me that he could fix your dad. He also told me this is an operation that will take about 6 hours to perform. He also said with your Dad's condition he might die on the operating table, or if he came through it then he could be comotose the rest of his life. We elected not to do it. He lived another 6 months at home with us until his kidneys failed. He was offered dyalisis and he declined. His statment was I am 93 if I am not ready to go on then I will never be. he lived another week. This is what page 425 is there for to explain to people their condition and what to expect and let them make the descision. The only thing on the healthcare bill that needs to be done is to discuss and tell the truth about what is there and how it will affect people. Then let people make up thier mind. There is no civil dicussion going on now by either side.
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
If universal insurance is the only option, what option do you you have?

Hypocrit- do you read any of these- or just take off searching for more provocative rightwingnut stuff to post and stir up fear and hate ?

Under 2 of the bills- they will offer a government health care plan as an optional choice-BUT most of the insurance will still be provided by private insurers- and you can stay with your present insurance company....
The Baucus/Grassley Bill probably will not even offer the alternative of a government plan- with all insurance being provided by private carriers- but with the requirement they have to cover all and can not turn down people for any reason like they can now....

Who will be doing the rationing?

There is no talk of rationing in any of the bills....Did you read Baucus's email?

are you getting your answers, or being silenced into submission?

I got many of my answers because instead of watching Big Brother or realism TV- I watched hours of the committee hearings on C-SPAN and listened to the arguments- and the Congressional attorneys opinions on what each section and each amendment meant....

None of the bills is perfect- and I doubt that the Final Bill will be (no legislation is) - but they are definitely nothing we need to go running down the street wee weeing down our leg yelling the sky is falling either...

Here- I'll save you the problem of searching for the e-mail...

To My Fellow Montanans:

Last year I was in Havre holding a listening session as we started to lay the ground work for meaningful health care reform. When I was up there, I heard from a couple whose son had been in a very bad accident. For years they had battled obstacle after obstacle trying to find treatment and rehabilitation for him. And as I sat there and listened to their story, and similar stories from other residents, I knew we must act. We must reform health care.

Health care reform. I am sure you have all heard that phrase in the last weeks and months. Whether it is advertisements on TV, articles in the newspapers, or talking with your friends and neighbors, health care reform seems to be everywhere. Even the President of the United States is focusing on Montana to talk about this important issue.

With all this information swirling around, I wanted to take this opportunity to talk directly to you. To tell you more in depth about what has been going on in Washington, how health care reform is shaping up and what it means for you and those you care about.

Health care reform is the single largest legislative challenge that I've ever experienced. It is a once in a generation opportunity, and that is why we are working diligently to make sure we get it right.

Unfortunately, because it's so big and complex, it is often misunderstood, misrepresented, and subject to misinformation.

I want to address some of the concerns, dispel some of the myths and highlight some of the benefits of what health care reform really means.

To start off, why do we need health care reform? Why should we tackle such a big problem? The answer is simple: if we don't act now, our economy will continue to be paralyzed by out of control health care costs. Family budgets will be consumed with paying for health care, and millions of people will fall victim to medical tragedies because they can't access the care they need and deserve.

The next logical question is what does health care reform mean for Montana? How will reform affect you and those you love?

For the thousands of Montanans without coverage, or barely able to afford the care they have, it is clear what health care reform means . Those folks are scared that one accident, one illness, could wipe out their life savings. Reforms means having access to quality, affordable health care so you no longer have to lay awake at night, praying that your child doesn't get a fever. It means that you no longer have to choose between a trip to the pharmacy and a trip to the grocery store.

But, for many of you whom I have talked with, you are happy with your health care. You have a doctor you like, you get regular check ups, and so you feel like you don't really have a stake in any type of reform efforts. Yet, let me be crystal clear, we ALL have a stake in health care reform.

· Health care reform means lower costs for everybody: Right now the average Montana family pays an extra $2,100 a year for their health care premiums because of the broken health care system. By reforming the system, folks won't be hit with this hidden tax every year. Additionally, if we can provide some commons sense tax incentives to provide health care, we can really take a burden off many of our small businesses.

· Health care reform means higher quality for everybody: Montana is a rural state. We are proud of our communities, and many of us have roots going back one hundred years or more. But this also produces a lot of challenges, especially regarding health care. That is why I've worked so hard to promote things like improving health care technology, so when folks go to see their doctor in Havre, they can have access to the most cutting edge medical care.

· Health care reform means greater access for everybody: Across our state, we are seeing a shortage when it comes to primary care doctors, especially in rural areas. These are the doctors that we go to for our regular check-ups and usually the first people we see when we're feeling sick. I want to make sure that we are taking care of these folks, because they provide a great service to our rural communities.

Yet, I know that many of you still have concerns about health care. The most passionate concerns I hear usually revolve around the government's involvement with health care. Some people feel that there is not enough government involvement in health care, and they want a single payer type system. Others feel that there is too much government involvement in health care, and they want to eliminate government health care programs and only have private care.

To those who expressed those concerns, I want you to know I am listening. I understand where you are coming from. I recognize the merits of both these arguments, and I have used these viewpoints to help shape the current health care debate. After listening to both sides, meeting with advocates of both viewpoints, it is clear that the answer lies somewhere in between. Some have begun calling it a uniquely American solution to the health care crisis that combines both public and private care.

While some decry government involvement in health care, certainly we can all agree that programs like the Children's Health Insurance Program, which provides health care to low-income children, and Medicare, which provides care to our seniors, are good things. Programs like these should be strengthened so our children and seniors don't have to worry about whether they will get their next immunization or be able to fill their next prescription.

And to those who call for a completely government run system, surely we can say that for those who have private coverage that they like, who have a doctor that they like, they should be able to keep that. That we shouldn't eliminate the health insurance plans that thousands of Montanans currently have, and are satisfied with.

Secondly, there are hundreds of myths floating around about what health care reform will mean. I hear them all the time when I talk with Montanans. Max, they say, are you really going to cut Medicare benefits for seniors? Absolutely not. Am I going to have to change health care insurance I currently have? No way. Will this lead to rationed care? No!

Let me clear about several things:

· We will NOT cut Medicare benefits. Too many seniors rely on this program to ever jeopardize their coverage.

· We will NOT force you to change your current health care. I have said from the beginning, if you like what you have you can keep it.

· We will NOT start rationing health care. If anything, we will do just the opposite. We are working to make care more available, and more affordable.

These are just a few of the things that I wanted to talk about with you when it comes to health care. I know many of you have questions about all of this. I know many of you have heard rumors or seen ads about what health care reform means. I want to provide answers to your questions.

Me and my staff are here to serve you. We want to continue a productive dialogue so we can let you know what we are working on, and you can tell us what is working and what isn't.

As we move forward, I hope you will join us as we fight to reform our health care system, because the bottom line is that health care reform affects us all.

Max Baucus
You and your FAMILY made that decision, as it should be.
Now do you think some government pencil pusher should have made that decision for you, with you, or been anywhere with in 5000 miles of you when it had to be made--THE ANSWER IS NOT NO BUT HELL NO.

You think some one who voted to with hold treatment for an aborted child who might survive is going to think any more of you or your family in a time of decision - if you think at all you know the answer to that :mad:
cowman52 said:
You and your FAMILY made that decision, as it should be.
Now do you think some government pencil pusher should have made that decision for you, with you, or been anywhere with in 5000 miles of you when it had to be made--THE ANSWER IS NOT NO BUT HELL NO.

You think some one who voted to with hold treatment for an aborted child who might survive is going to think any more of you or your family in a time of decision - if you think at all you know the answer to that :mad:

Have you taken the time to read Page 425 of the healthcare bill. Take the time to read it. I was only trying to take the time to show what this means. I have read it back and forth and no where does it say that I will have to clear any decision with a pencil pusher 5000 miles away. If someone would go to a meeting and ask this question with out being shouted down they might get the correct answer expained to them.

Also do you remember the abortion doctor that was murdered. Ever hear how the women that came to him found him. They were refered by their doctors. Seems he did late term abortions. They were refered because these fetuses were bably deformed with no chance of survival or the womens life was in danger. (You know some doctors will not abort a fetus even after the fetus has died in the womb. We have had friends that had to go months with their dead baby inside and had to wait until it was expelled by their body.) And then comes along this religious zealot that thinks he has been called to do Gods work and murders the abortion doctor. Now who will these women turn to. Think the Doctor killer will have a place in Heaven or Hell. Would the religious zealot have done this without all of the fuss going on about the right-to-life and pro-choice arguements.
you can argue all you want.

peoples' questions are not being answered. Let them answer the questions.

If they have nothing to hide, they will.

If they have something to hide they will send out the "silencers"

How bout they just answer the worries of the citizens?

How about some transparency, or don't they want that?

you voted for it, demand it.

Is obama able to provide transparency or not?

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