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Great Way To Start Christmas Morning

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2005
Reaction score
NE Saskatchewan
I thought this was an amazing way to start Christmas morning:


Especially since it was his first: (pardon the chest hairs :p)


And the other little gomers third. Not only did Mom and Dad spoil him, his grandparents gave him a heckuva haul, as you can tell from the grin:


I hope everyone had as happy and fulfilling (waistline and otherwise) Christmas as we did.

Beautiful sunrise and even better looking little guys....glad your day was a special one with the boys. :)
A beautiful sunrise, cute kids, and family all together--what a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas. Looks like the kind of day of which memories are made. Good for you. :)
Of course we had the same sunrise Rod and we were worried that there might be some different weather blow in. Instead it ended up being a great day full of family, horses, sleds..ski-doos, (chores of course) and waaaaaaay too much to eat. The neat thing was when one of my neices said that coming out to the ranch was always the best part of Christmas and the years they didn't weren't the same for them.

We are blessed.
What BEAUTIFUL pictures!!! Thanks for the beautiful reminder of what Christmas is really all about....FAMILY!!!!! those smiles are absolutely PRICELESS!!! True keepers!!! :D :D
What a blessing to have the little ones around! They'll keep you young for sure. Isn't that sunrise uh, well...extravagant! God knows how to paint thiings! Merry Christmas!
When ya get a sunrise like that..how could the day go bad....then to have such cuties in jammies on Christmas morning...now that IS a perfect day...Thanks for letting us enjoy your morning...

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