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had some hunters call today

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Well-known member
Feb 13, 2005
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Sept,gets em rutting,be nice to visit with those ole boys,drink a lil whiskey and talk cattle,I was thinking on getting me a new deer rifle this year,maybe one of those new winchester calibres,I like my ole 270 but,why not you only go round once,and I hear they kill deer so good you dont even have to pull the trigger :D :D ..............good luck PS where you gonna hunt this year,I reckon Ill hunt the same way, feeding cattle in the back,and shoot me a big fat doe or two bout sundown for sausage.
Sept,gets em rutting,be nice to visit with those ole boys,drink a lil whiskey and talk cattle,I was thinking on getting me a new deer rifle this year,maybe one of those new winchester calibres,I like my ole 270 but,why not you only go round once,and I hear they kill dear so good you dont even have to pull the trigger :D :D ..............good luck PS where you gonna hunt this year,I reckon Ill hunt the same way, feeding cattle in the back,and shoot me a big fat doe or two bout sundown for sausage.

Had a few hunters call us, too, over the last few days....getting ready for deer and for antelope seasons!! Got more antelope on this place than we know what to do with.....danged things getting in the way when we are haying...running out in front of the already banged-up subaru when i am on the way home!! :shock: :shock: Anyone interested in taking a few off our hands??? :D :wink:
haymaker you like the rest of us . Our hunting time is for some reason the same time as our cow time. Do you have a scabbard mounted on your tractor like we do?
shorthorn said:
haymaker you like the rest of us . Our hunting time is for some reason the same time as our cow time. Do you have a scabbard mounted on your tractor like we do?

No I dont,but I will have pretty soon,that's a good idea,thanks..............good luck
Do you lease your land for huntin? or is it just buddies callin wantin to hunt?
We've never leased ours out....but we do spend quite a bit of time knockin stands down that are on our place from hunters in the nat'l forest. Think our fence is invisible to em or somethin. lol
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Think our fence is invisible to em or somethin. lol
City folk, don't understand what a property line is. Pop off a couple shots in their direction, that'll spook them for at least one season.
the_jersey_lilly_2000 said:
Do you lease your land for huntin? or is it just buddies callin wantin to hunt?
We've never leased ours out....but we do spend quite a bit of time knockin stands down that are on our place from hunters in the nat'l forest. Think our fence is invisible to em or somethin. lol

Yes Lilly I do lease to hunters, you probably dont remember but when you started posting I asked you where you ranched and told you that I have some hunters that live some where close to you.I think the lil ole town they live in is called "Liberty"they hunt here on the Hill country place............good luck PS you gonna do a lil hunting this year?
Well thanks for the reply - appreciate the fact that you were willing to go public with the info - I am still not sure that we will go this route - but we do intend to give it some heavey thought.

It's a couple of high flier types out of the big city of Toronto and two of their friends and I am of mixed emotions about the whole thing.

We have one of the larger areas in my part of the country that we control despite only actually having a few 100 acres of deeded land.

We are fortunate to have had no problems with the locals but the guide and his boys still have me a bit concerned - just a newbie at this I suppose.

Be that as it may, I am figuring I may now be looking at persons instead of guns - that way I know for a fact who is on the place and not just that there are shooters on the place.

I wonder if it is all worth this in the end?

I'd like to...this year I might actually have the time to. not just the "cow checkin/have gun kind....... course tho if I am out there checkin cows and see somethin...be it a hog or a deer....I'm not gonna turn the oportunity down. lol

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