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Hairy Canucks?

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I think you Canucks really need Jane Fonda and Micheal Moore, too :lol: A couple more liberal wierdos wouldn't even be noticed :wink:

SASH said:
Fitzpatrick said. "The odd old-timer is wondering what in the hell I'm thinking."

Well, the old-timer on this site is as odd as any I've seen. :wink:

Thank you- :) At least I'm not a long haired Canadian "bronco" rider :???:
Oldtimer said:
SASH said:
Fitzpatrick said. "The odd old-timer is wondering what in the hell I'm thinking."

Well, the old-timer on this site is as odd as any I've seen. :wink:

Thank you- :) At least I'm not a long haired Canadian "bronco" rider :???:

They kind of remind me of the cowboys in a movie I saw. Might have been 'Young Guns' but I don't think so. It was maybe something to do with Bill Hickock and Bill Cody and the Pony Express. :???:
Hey OT, you sure spend a lot of time reading and posting from CBC's website. Kinda makes me wonder if there's something you're not telling us. Like maybe your a closet socialist/liberal? Or maybe a closet Canuck.
hmmmmm...... come out of the closet OT! :)

Oh, and maybe there's grounds for another lawsuit here. I bet these guys' barbers could go after R-CALF for lost revenues due to border closure. :wink:
Oldtimer said:
I think you Canucks really need Jane Fonda and Micheal Moore, too :lol: A couple more liberal wierdos wouldn't even be noticed :wink:


OT, I might be mistaken but I think BMR &KD LANG was trying some thing like this a few months back,then big dummie got a hair cut,because folks couldnt tell which was which,if you know what I mean............good luck

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