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Hayguy, small squares


Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Hayguy in a past post you had asked about unloading bales easier...here is what we use with a self unloading trailer...but we still don't have it figured out as we load everything by hand..but self unload.

Loaded and ready to go

Drop the tail and ready to unload

Pushing off


Stacked nicely
thankyou very much for your pictures, boy what a neat trailer,does the tail lower hydraulicaly or otherwise? how big is the winch? how many bales can you haul and what size are the bales?

it seems that you can either load or unload mechanically but to do both is a real challenge :wink:

thanx again for the pics
If you had a farmhand system that would take a layer off your NH stack and put it on the trailer you could do both. My BIL hauled lots of square bales to the PMU barns from northern Sask. He stacked with a NH Stackliner and loaded semis with the Farm hand grapple.
we use a modified farmhand bale grab now to load with, it takes one layer of our NH stacks and puts it on the trailer. the trick is some how get them crossed up with out hand labor, they don't un load very well unless they are crossed but that being said i am open to any new or old suggestions as to how to do it , can always learn something on this site :D :D
hayguy said:
we use a modified farmhand bale grab now to load with, it takes one layer of our NH stacks and puts it on the trailer. the trick is some how get them crossed up with out hand labor, they don't un load very well unless they are crossed but that being said i am open to any new or old suggestions as to how to do it , can always learn something on this site :D :D

I think my BIL had to put the odd tie row in by hand but at least he didn't have to load them all by hand. :D
floyd said:
Are you doing more that 8 bales at once? I have seen grapples that rotate 180 degrees

yes, our grabber will pick a whole layer off a three wide NH bale stack(up to 18 bales) we use it to pick 15 bales off our stacks
Yes, the tail is on hydraulics, and it is a hydraulic winch run with a gas motor, not sure what it is rated at for pounds. We did have to put tin down on the deck to make it easier to push off, but it was pushing up to 20,000 lbs of bales. We generally put on 300 bales a load, we have made bigger loads, but we just pull it with a One Ton, so if we get a heavier truck it could haul more. They are just the regular small squares out of a 348 JD.

We have seen the accumulators that could pick up 18 bales, but we thought there would still be a fair bit of manual work, as the 3 bales would be too wide? I guess you gould rotate them, then use lots of straps....
yes Cattleman, that is how we load,from the side and then strap every row of bales. we unload from the side and most of them almost fall off or down still a lot of work :roll: sure is a nice set up of yours.
Our stackwagon is 2 wide---if I was doing this (and being lazy by nature) I'd try to figure out how to put tie tiers in the stack, while picking, that would work as tie tiers on the trailer.
Found this on Kijiji....another option.


Have to look at the pictures at the bottom with the machine hooked to the baler. I have never seen that kind of machine before?
This machine, the Bale Baron, is built 10 miles east of our place here in Ontario. It makes a 21 bale cube. He sells them worldwide.


So Cattleman, when you talk about "small squares," are you referring to hay bales or your photos? :???: :wink:

From squinting at those small square pictures, it does look like you have a very good system for handling small square bales of hay.
Soapweed said:
So Cattleman, when you talk about "small squares," are you referring to hay bales or your photos? :???: :wink:

From squinting at those small square pictures, it does look like you have a very good system for handling small square bales of hay.

Sorry about that Soap, that was my first crack at photo's on here. Can you double click on the image to view them better? If not, people are sure being nice with their comments without seeing them very good!
That looks about like the setup the guy we use for hay has just on a smaller scale. He has his setup so that the hyd. are powered off the wet kit on his semi and run a hyd motor on the trailer. Sure makes short work of unloading a trailer full of hay.

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