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Haymaker and anyone who's had eye surgery

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
Reaction score
N.E. Oregon
I gathered that you had corrective eye surgery sometime this summer? Are you happy with the results? Any suggestions etc? I'm about sure I'm going to do it this fall. They said that for a couple weeks afterward to stay out of the wind and dust??? When can I do that :roll: :wink:
Nicky said:
I gathered that you had corrective eye surgery sometime this summer? Are you happy with the results? Any suggestions etc? I'm about sure I'm going to do it this fall. They said that for a couple weeks afterward to stay out of the wind and dust??? When can I do that :roll: :wink:

How would you look in snorkle goggles and a cowboy hat?
Nicky said:
I gathered that you had corrective eye surgery sometime this summer? Are you happy with the results? Any suggestions etc? I'm about sure I'm going to do it this fall. They said that for a couple weeks afterward to stay out of the wind and dust??? When can I do that :roll: :wink:

Sorry it took me so long to answer you Nicky,yes I am happy with the results,their are several different types of corrective eye surgery now, which one are you thinking about getting.

If you get the Lasik procedure your eyes will be sensitive to sun lite for a few days,gotta wear dark glasses for that and goggles when you sleep taped in place for the first week,and put 3 or 4 different types of drops in your eyes every 15 minutes for a week then every 30 minutes then every hour till twice a day for a month,I really did'nt follow the schedule like I was supposed to,that was probably the biggest hassle the eye drops,and the taping googles on your head every nite for a week...........hope this helped GOOD LUCK

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