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Haymaker Check this out.

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
Haymaker I want you to Check out www.saskatchewanstockgrowers.com Click on magazine. The pics on the cover of to Nov 03 and Jan 04 issuses are of my place their is a story on the Big Muddy in the Jan 04 issue and a story written by my Dad on the start of auction markets in Sask on Page 40 of the Sept 05 issue.

If you are on dial up they are slow to down load but the magazine is pretty good. :cowboy:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker I want you to Check out www.saskatchewanstockgrowers.com Click on magazine. The pics on the cover of to Nov 03 and Jan 04 issuses are of my place their is a story on the Big Muddy in the Jan 04 issue and a story written by my Dad on the start of auction markets in Sask on Page 40 of the Sept 05 issue.

If you are on dial up they are slow to down load but the magazine is pretty good. :cowboy:

Bueatiful place BMR and lots of history there ,I guess a man like DUTCH HENRY could hide pretty easy in that time and in that country............good luck PS I couldnt find a 05 issue.
Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker I want you to Check out www.saskatchewanstockgrowers.com Click on magazine. The pics on the cover of to Nov 03 and Jan 04 issuses are of my place their is a story on the Big Muddy in the Jan 04 issue and a story written by my Dad on the start of auction markets in Sask on Page 40 of the Sept 05 issue.

If you are on dial up they are slow to down load but the magazine is pretty good. :cowboy:

Bueatiful place BMR and lots of history there ,I guess a man like DUTCH HENRY could hide pretty easy in that time and in that country............good luck PS I couldnt find a 05 issue.

Haymaker, I jumped the gun the article was the Sept. 04. Wishing my life away. There are some pics inside the 2 magazines of the ranch. The bottom pic on the cover is a friends son on a horse he bought from us and the top pic has 8 of the 11 riders mounted on horses we raised. The January cover is 2 pictures super imposed as one is the feed bunk alley and the other is back the coulee where the cows are wintered. Our yard is the same yard as Jasper Huntley lived in about 5 miles from the Outlaw caves.
Hey BMR looks like some pretty good cattle country to me. Hope you are getting enough moisture up there all we have here is dirt moving.
James said:
Hey BMR looks like some pretty good cattle country to me. Hope you are getting enough moisture up there all we have here is dirt moving.

James there seems to be moisture around us but we have had it quite dry this winter. We got a little snow and rain to day but I bet not a quarter of an inch worth. Maybe more on the way as the weather pattern seems to be changing. :cowboy:
PS I live right in the area that the outlaws roamed .
Maple Leaf Angus said:
So, BMr, are we to understand that you feel right at home there? Hehe.

"Slowly peace came to the valley,
The mounties moved away.
No more outlaws in the Big Muddy,
At least that's what they say." :wink: :cowboy:

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