haymaker "prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle,I dont believe these numbers as a matter of fact there is very little that a damn packer lover can say that I would believe .Now you two packer parrots keeping letting those packers pack you and Ill keep selling these 8 weight fancy black steers .................good luck PS for a bunch of sale barn hicks that dont know much about the industry I ask your beady eyed prarie dawg ass this,WHO IS MAKING THE MONEY?????ROTFLMAO"
haymaker the lady that compiles these numbers could and probably should whip your BEEHIND. She has been doing this and doing a very good job of reading what's happening in the cattle markets and could debate you into the ground talking feeding cattle and captive supplies. You had better go back to writing fiction for the Coffee shop page., and leave the bull session for the real cattle people not the Texas hobby farmers.
I dont believe you are in a position to be giving advice BMR especially since a hobby farmer probably makes more money than you ,if it wouldnt be for all those liberal tax paying canuckle head citizens that you cuss all the time subsidizing your but, you wouldnt make a pimple on a hobby farmers ass............good luck