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Haymaker chew on this.

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
You rattle on about packer owned cattle and captive supply . Well here are the numbers for Canada.

Cash bought--65.4%

Grid cattle----15.5%
Contract -----8.4%
packer owned-10.7%

If you think packers control the US market with Canadian captive supplies, you had better think again.
Big Muddy rancher said:
You rattle on about packer owned cattle and captive supply . Well here are the numbers for Canada.

Cash bought--65.4%

Grid cattle----15.5%
Contract -----8.4%
packer owned-10.7%

If you think packers control the US market with Canadian captive supplies, you had better think again.

where did you get these numbers?.............good luck
The numbers came from Canfax report the I get by E-mail.

Tell me how 10% of the 6% of your market manipulates the price you receive when you sell fats. Oh yea you don't feed cattle do you. :cowboy:
Good job BMR!

Haymaker only parrots what he hears. He doesn't have a clue!

Canadian packer owned cattle constitute .06% of our total captive supplies.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a good belly laugh!



You can't believe how many R-CULT clones parrot this same baseless rhetoric about Canadian captive supplies.

~SH~ said:
Good job BMR!

Haymaker only parrots what he hears. He doesn't have a clue!

Canadian packer owned cattle constitute .06% of our total captive supplies.

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's a good belly laugh!



You can't believe how many R-CULT clones parrot this same baseless rhetoric about Canadian captive supplies.


prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle,I dont believe these numbers as a matter of fact there is very little that a damn packer lover can say that I would believe .Now you two packer parrots keeping letting those packers pack you and Ill keep selling these 8 weight fancy black steers .................good luck PS for a bunch of sale barn hicks that dont know much about the industry I ask your beady eyed prarie dawg ass this,WHO IS MAKING THE MONEY?????ROTFLMAO
Haymaker: "prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle..."

I have a $1000 says I own cattle?

Want to take that bet?

Either take the bet or you are a lying SOB! You choose!

Haymaker: "I dont believe these numbers...."

Of course you dont because it doesn't support your packer victim mentality but you sure can't offer anything to the contrary either can you? Typical of the packer blamers that I know as well.

Oh, BTW, did you come up with an original thought today?

~SH~ said:
Haymaker: "prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle..."

I have a $1000 says I own cattle?

Want to take that bet?

Either take the bet or you are a lying SOB! You choose!

Haymaker: "I dont believe these numbers...."

Of course you dont because it doesn't support your packer victim mentality but you sure can't offer anything to the contrary either can you? Typical of the packer blamers that I know as well.

Dont get mad prarie dawg ,there is an outside chance you snook in a sale barn and bought a scrawny calf ,that dont make you a cattle man that makes you a two bit lieing SOB ..............good luck LOL PS how can I bet with a lieing prarie dog?there arent two people in south Dakota trust you prarie dawg ass

Oh, BTW, did you come up with an original thought today?

Haymaker (previous): "prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle..."

Haymaker (now): "Dont get mad prarie dawg ,there is an outside chance you snook in a sale barn and bought a scrawny calf ,that dont make you a cattle man that makes you a two bit lieing SOB .............."

Blah, blah, blah!

Don't hit that garbage can back peddling your trike out of the yard.

Everyone has you figured out!

Haymaker: "there arent two people in south Dakota trust you prarie dawg ass.."

Hahaha! Yeh and you'd certainly know that wouldn't you Hayseed?

What did you do, set up a lemonade stand at a blamer's convention and talk to a couple R-CULTers from South Dakota who heard about this guy that exposes R-CULT's lies?

Your inability to discuss the issues without relying on posting someone else's opinion speaks volumes to the depth of your knowledge.

Kinda like making a post on "captive supplies" and not being able to define the word.

Kinda like making a post on "captive supplies" and not being able to define the word. ~sh~

yes IM still trying to figger out the definition of "captive supply"I talked to a cattle man the other day and his best guess was "THEFT BY DECEPTION" ? but ILL keep poking around see what I can find out .........good luck prarie dawg
haymaker "prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle,I dont believe these numbers as a matter of fact there is very little that a damn packer lover can say that I would believe .Now you two packer parrots keeping letting those packers pack you and Ill keep selling these 8 weight fancy black steers .................good luck PS for a bunch of sale barn hicks that dont know much about the industry I ask your beady eyed prarie dawg ass this,WHO IS MAKING THE MONEY?????ROTFLMAO"

haymaker the lady that compiles these numbers could and probably should whip your BEEHIND. She has been doing this and doing a very good job of reading what's happening in the cattle markets and could debate you into the ground talking feeding cattle and captive supplies. You had better go back to writing fiction for the Coffee shop page., and leave the bull session for the real cattle people not the Texas hobby farmers.

Big Muddy rancher said:
haymaker "prarie dawg you talk mighty big for some body that dont even own cattle,I dont believe these numbers as a matter of fact there is very little that a damn packer lover can say that I would believe .Now you two packer parrots keeping letting those packers pack you and Ill keep selling these 8 weight fancy black steers .................good luck PS for a bunch of sale barn hicks that dont know much about the industry I ask your beady eyed prarie dawg ass this,WHO IS MAKING THE MONEY?????ROTFLMAO"

haymaker the lady that compiles these numbers could and probably should whip your BEEHIND. She has been doing this and doing a very good job of reading what's happening in the cattle markets and could debate you into the ground talking feeding cattle and captive supplies. You had better go back to writing fiction for the Coffee shop page., and leave the bull session for the real cattle people not the Texas hobby farmers.

I dont believe you are in a position to be giving advice BMR especially since a hobby farmer probably makes more money than you ,if it wouldnt be for all those liberal tax paying canuckle head citizens that you cuss all the time subsidizing your but, you wouldnt make a pimple on a hobby farmers ass............good luck


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