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Haymaker, is this your theme song?

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Faster horses said:
Just heard Toby Keith's new release, "I'm not as good as I once was".
Just wondering...
No harm meant, just wanted to give you back a little 'stuff' that you dish out! LOL!!! :oops: :roll: :D

Good Burn there FH .
Faster horses said:
Just heard Toby Keith's new release, "I'm not as good as I once was".
Just wondering...
No harm meant, just wanted to give you back a little 'stuff' that you dish out! LOL!!! :oops: :roll: :D

Say girl,"Faster horses" :wink: IM as good once, as I ever was LOL................good luck
Faster horses said:
YEP, that's the next line in the song...(of course!) :p

And I suppose you were gonna keep that line to your self? Seems to me you might be getting a little long in the tooth yourself to be pokin fun at an old TX cowboy? :D :D ..................good luck,girl PS on a more serious matter how are those orphaned kids doing,that lost their parents in that terrible accident last year have you heard,You get a chance to talk to that girl that sent me an e mail ask her to post here and let us know how those kids are doing.I dont remember her name..................maybe I am gettin old LOL
Big Muddy rancher said:
Faster horses said:
Just heard Toby Keith's new release, "I'm not as good as I once was".
Just wondering...
No harm meant, just wanted to give you back a little 'stuff' that you dish out! LOL!!! :oops: :roll: :D

Good Burn there FH .
shut up big Dummie................good luck
Faster horses said:
YEP, that's the next line in the song...(of course!) :p

And I suppose you were gonna keep that line to your self? Seems to me you might be getting a little long in the tooth yourself to be pokin fun at an old TX cowboy? :D :D ..................good luck,girl PS on a more serious matter how are those orphaned kids doing,that lost their parents in that terrible accident last year have you heard,You get a chance to talk to that girl that sent me an e mail ask her to post here and let us know how those kids are doing.I dont remember her name..................maybe I am gettin old LOL
Ahhh, everyone knows the next line to that phase...I thought I was just being polite. heheheeheeheeee!!!

I guess I am getting a little long in the tooth, and well-rounded, too!!

The kids, they are doing as well as can be expected. The Agri-News has raised $64.000 for their education with more coming in. I heard that makes over $100,000 total to date and a big auction and dinner is sceduled for Memorial Weekend in town. Their folks had insurance and mortgage insurance on the place they were buying, so they will have that. So financially, things are looking good. Nothing takes the place of parents, of course. People have certainly expressed generosity, concern and caring. There was an article in the last BEEF magazine with a picture of the parents. So how does that saying go, "things look good for the shape they are in", or something to that effect.

Thanks for asking.

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