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Haymaker suggested my new avatar!

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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
Haymaker PM'ed me and said he didn't like the bull I was using for my avatar. He thought I should use a bull like he runs with his cows and he suggested this one.
Since he is wrong so much of the time I thought I should humor him abit as he just can't seem to win an arguement with SH, and he can't seem to woo Miss Tam into sending him any Tangle ridge. :cowboy:
Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker PM'ed me and said he didn't like the bull I was using for my avatar. He thought I should use a bull like he runs with his cows and he suggested this one.
Since he is wrong so much of the time I thought I should humor him abit as he just can't seem to win an arguement with SH, and he can't seem to woo Miss Tam into sending him any Tangle ridge. :cowboy:

HAHAHHHAAAA Thats more better, that looks like a bull that a canuckle head could make a lot of money with.............good luck You big dummy and good nite
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To: Big Muddy rancher
Posted: Sat Mar 05, 2005 6:44 pm
Say big dummy you need to select another Bull for your logo the one you have proves you dont know a damn thing about Bulls short legged brisket dragging the ground ,Bull like that wouldnt last three days trailing my ole mama cows...............good luck PS I didnt want to embarass you so I pm you.

Cattle bought right are half sold

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Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker PM'ed me and said he didn't like the bull I was using for my avatar. He thought I should use a bull like he runs with his cows and he suggested this one.
Since he is wrong so much of the time I thought I should humor him abit as he just can't seem to win an arguement with SH, and he can't seem to woo Miss Tam into sending him any Tangle ridge. :cowboy:

Big Muddy, Jerseys do have tender meat! You might do well with him, he's got character! :roll:
Maple Leaf Angus said:
All I can saw to that bull is "WOW"!

What nexr BMr?

BTW< did you ever get that water line thawed?

Yea quite the bull haymaker picked out.
No to the water line, I used my pressure washer to shoot hot water from both ends but I didn't have a long enough hose to reach the middle but will try to find some this week and give it another go.

How far south are you in Ontario, we used to ship cattle into the Chatam area.
I'm 'bout two and one half hrs. north and east of Chatham, not too far from Brussels Livestock, Div. of Gamble and Rogers.

Most of the cattle I've brought in from the west have come from Vermillion area. Last ones I bought was a nice set of 72 black breeder hiefers. Happened to unload them here on May 20, 2003. You can figure out the rest of the story.

Don't know how long your line is but if it's practical, you might try getting a length of that stiff quarter or three-eighths inch, liquid fertilizer line like I used on my seed drill a while back. Might do the job, but you've probably got something else figured out by now. I know how much I hate the extra work frozen lines give me.
Went to high school with Stew Alton, if you know him, he'd be about 48 or so. Happen to know a few Eadie's from up Lucknow way, too. Doug and Don, Doug is on the corn producers board. Real good level headed chaps. Same guys maybe?
I don't know Stew Alton but but the Eadie boys are cousins. My mom was from Dungannon, Lucknow area. They used to have the store in Lanes. Jack Alton was the Dad of the boys that still have the farm. I know the names but never spent much time down that way. :cowboy: My dad used to ship quite afew cattle down east but we don't do much anymore.
Thinking back about 20+ years, I used to go through Lanes when I'd work up that way and stop at a little store there for a Pepsi and icecream bar. Mighta been your folks providing me with my daily sugar high!
Big Muddy rancher said:
Haymaker PM'ed me and said he didn't like the bull I was using for my avatar. He thought I should use a bull like he runs with his cows and he suggested this one.
Since he is wrong so much of the time I thought I should humor him abit as he just can't seem to win an arguement with SH, and he can't seem to woo Miss Tam into sending him any Tangle ridge. :cowboy:

And just what is wrong with the bull we both piked ?

Anyone can see hayseed doesnt know northern cattle hell the bull he picked looks like Saugahatchee if so hes a show bull not a cowmans bull.

He needs to have those long legged bulls to hump those texas giraffes no grass they eat tree leaves.. :mad: :mad: :mad:

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