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Big Muddy rancher

Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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Big Muddy valley
Have you made up your mind about coming to Deadwood ? You better get started as we know old coots drive slow and can't take the late nights that us young folks do. We promise to take it easy on you as we know you have never been that far from home. :cowboy:
BMR, be nice. You keep pickin on Haymaker he may never come out of hiding.
Big Muddy rancher said:
Have you made up your mind about coming to Deadwood ? You better get started as we know old coots drive slow and can't take the late nights that us young folks do. We promise to take it easy on you as we know you have never been that far from home. :cowboy:

No because IM afraid Miss Tam might be there and rough me up :D ,I still am undecided ,for a couple reasons I got enrolled in an "AI" class @ college sta. the first week in Sept,and I had that "lasik" surgery done on my eyes Fri. and the way its going I might be blind by then,Damn quacks aint worth 2 cents..................good luck
Big Muddy rancher said:
Have you made up your mind about coming to Deadwood ? You better get started as we know old coots drive slow and can't take the late nights that us young folks do. We promise to take it easy on you as we know you have never been that far from home. :cowboy:

No because IM afraid Miss Tam might be there and rough me up :D ,I still am undecided ,for a couple reasons I got enrolled in an "AI" class @ college sta. the first week in Sept,and I had that "lasik" surgery done on my eyes Fri. and the way its going I might be blind by then,Damn quacks aint worth 2 cents..................good luck

Hope your eyes come along quickly and your feeling better. As for you going back to college to become "A"lcohol "I"ntoxicated I thought you did that pretty well right on your front porch. :wink:

As for Miss Tam if she shows up she would probably be on her best behavior. I heard a rumor that the old "Pairie dog" might show so you should be there just in case the the packers lovers start to t hold a NCBA meeting. :roll:
Wondered where haymaker had been the last few days.....now we know..he can't focus on the screen right now. Hope it all clears up for ya haymaker in a day or so. Let us know....but hey for the AI class..ya feel your way...you dont hafta see well.
Haymaker, Haymaker. <sigh>
What 'er we gonna do about all yer excuses?
Tam ain't comin.
You probably already know all you need/want to know about AI.
And surgery to such a small body part is no excuse at all.
Git on yer horse and git to Deadwood.
Or as in Haymaker's words, a "french hussy"!

Seriously though, Haymaker, don't put too much strain on your eyes staring a computer screen. Take it easy, and we'll tease you when you get back to feeling like your old self.
So you had the eyes done, thought you were just thinking about it.
Hope all is well with the healing.
You must send details as the man I sleep with is thinking about getting his done.
Haymaker you better try and come up. I promise, we'll keep all them NCBA'ers off your back! :lol:

Shoot, you'd probably win enough at the tyables to pay for the trip. and there's even some purty ladies wearin; scanty clothing, runnin' around up there, once in awhile! :lol:

Your eyes ARE gettin' better ain't they? Sure hope so.

You know, most men are kind'a blind, thats why they have to feel their way around! :lol:
Thank you all for the concern,eyes are better & guess I'll live :D Probably gonna pass on the Dead wood shin dig this year,but will make it a point to go next year,because I'm sure it wont be long before one of the girls starts calling this the first anual "ranchers.net"what ever and starts planning the 2nd.one maybe take a poll to see which month is best ?......................good luck PS......... Jesse, tell that man that got lucky to go ahead :wink:

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