Gosh, let me see now, which would be a better investment???
Option #1 - Beef research, promotion, and education knowing, based on common sense knowledge, that any new money into this industry will come from the consumer.
or......(drum roll please)
Option #2 - Funding a dumping case against Canada THAT LOST, funding packer parasite lawsuits thinking that getting more of ibp's $26 per head profits for the Pickett era will allow ibp to pay more for cattle in the future, funding regulating the packing industry by allowing the government to pick and chose who can and who cannot own cattle based on the interpretation that if you willingly forward contract your cattle to a packer you are participating in "market manipulation", funding the promotion of country of origin labeling when 95% of the labeled beef would be "U.S. beef" and consumers aren't even asking for it, and funding lies about the safety of Canadian beef because you are too ignorant to realize that the BSE precautionary measure presidence that is set for 5% of our U.S. beef consumption (Canadian live cattle) will be applied to 80% of our U.S. beef consumption (U.S. product) in the event that BSE is discovered here again.
I do admit that producers who claim to be in the "cattle industry" and not the "beef industry" yet claim to know more about selling beef than those who actually sell beef (Country of origin labeling) should not be forced to benefit from the beef checkoff against their will. If they would rather support their packer parasite lawsuits, country of origin labels on commodity beef that mean nothing to consumers, allowing the government to pick and choose who can bid on feeder calves, and fund their lies against the safety of Canadian beef, they should be able to throw their money away while the progressive segment of the industry moves forward. I'm all for further seperation between progressive and regressive.