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Headed to Denver

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I won a Stockshow scholarship many years ago in college, and had to work the entire show. It was a blast, but I came back home SICK! :x

I'd Protect yourself from the Stockshow Crud by taking Airborne a few days before you get to Denver, and keep taking it a few days after you get home :wink: . Also, I'd avoid the exhibit hall during extremely busy times since the air in there gets nasty :? .

My favorite place to hang out, away from the crowds, was in the equestrian center... eating ice cream :D . I'm planning to go down next week sometime, probably mid-week. Have fun!
We are tenatively thinking about Jan 15. Working ranch horse, and some cutting going on. The long range forecast is 50 degrees & sunny. I'll try to be in the yards around the trestle by the gate to the hill about noon. An old looking geeser with a white mustache, 6'1" 200 lbs, fallen chest and black hat standing next to Jan (foxy lady). Any rancher.net folks there let me know, lets get acquainted!
Sounds like someone needs to dream up a ranchersnet pin or something to recognize one another in such a place as the Denver show.

Saw part of it once years ago. Black Hills Stock Show is too big for my taste in crowds and I doubt it can touch Denver for size.

We are bypassing both in favor of heading for Phoenix and other spots further south to visit friends, relatives, and attend NCBA convention.

Shortgrass said:
We are tenatively thinking about Jan 15. Working ranch horse, and some cutting going on. The long range forecast is 50 degrees & sunny. I'll try to be in the yards around the trestle by the gate to the hill about noon. An old looking geeser with a white mustache, 6'1" 200 lbs, fallen chest and black hat standing next to Jan (foxy lady). Any rancher.net folks there let me know, lets get acquainted!

We'll be a lookin' for ya! :D If I get ahead on my finals, we'll try and make it up next week. I wear something with Cade on it. Most of my stuff is monogrammed so you'll be able to pick me out.
All of the comments here are right on! Just one thing that I would recommend that NO one has mentioned: bring along some kind of shoulder-strap back pack or brochure carrier that will hold lots of advertising folders and brochures, because you will see stuff and say, "Oh! I have got to take that home!" and the first thing you know, you are loaded down with stuff in your hands, and no place to put it! It will give you an education that you won't get anywhere else!

Trust me!


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