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Heat synchronization

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Mike said:
Denny Blowers said:
Mike said:
Spent all day putting in Cidr's a few years back. Didn't wear gloves and got the stuff all over my hands. Female hormones.
Woke up the next morning wearing the wife's bra. :shock: :???:

Were you Bitchy??

I was. Felt like going shopping too! :wink:

Did you have your hair done?

Oh and how about shoes just had to buy them there so cute. :wink:
Northern Rancher, I use the same protocaol with estradiol and such and have had good success. I will not try any thing else I have had to many wrecks with MGA and fat hfrs, and poor conception rates (50%).
Alabama said:
I have talked with several that use CIDR's 2 times and they say that it workes even better the second time. Just wash them good and store in a zip lock bag in the frezer. I plan to use mine 3 times. At $10 bucks a pop it is worth a try.
Denny I put somthing in the mail for you this morning. I am still having lots of fun with that bumper sticker.

We've used them twice but never three times. Our embryologist recommended not using them more than twice and always a new one for the donor. :)
I pull cidrs tomorrow afternoon and give shots. I will let you know how the washing goes. I have another set ready to put cidrs in next Thursday so we will find out how the second time around works.
Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 22 deg at my house this morning with a heavy frost. I even had to get up, turn on the heat, and back in the bed until the house wormed up. I bet it froze all the plum blooms.
Calling for rain tonight so I guess I, will plant corn the second weekend in March?
Alabama said:
I pull cidrs tomorrow afternoon and give shots. I will let you know how the washing goes.

forgot to mention that i agree with everyone else.......WEAR GLOVES. :lol: :lol:
I pull cidrs tomorrow afternoon and give shots. I will let you know how the washing goes. I have another set ready to put cidrs in next Thursday so we will find out how the second time around works.
Burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 22 deg at my house this morning with a heavy frost. I even had to get up, turn on the heat, and back in the bed until the house wormed up. I bet it froze all the plum blooms.
Calling for rain tonight so I guess I, will plant corn the second weekend in March?

Can't relate to planting corn in March...We live in Montana, send some of your weather our way???!!!
I will try and send you some weather but it may be August before I can get to it. Do you still want it?

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