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Heifer pictures

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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2005
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N.E. Oregon
I rode to check the cows on the BLM permit on friday. Boy was it windy out! Didn't seem to take many cow pictures...mostly scenery.

These cows and calves are working for their feed (You have to really look to see the cows on the hillside)


Found these two yearlings on my way home...a bit of fence was down and they decided to go exploring. Luckily only 2 of them :p

Some more of the yearling in Big Creek...where they belong.



A 13 year old cow with her 3113 heifer calf

A pretty hawthorn bush

Will put the rest of the scenery pics on the Coffee Shop
Nicky, You have such nice herefords!!! Do you know anything about a bull called Blue Blood? We used him on our hereford heifiers this year...
Beautiful country too........
Any calving problems with Blue Blood, Katrina?

I like the looks of Nicky's cattle. Any of them would be welcome to come eat some ladino clover in my fields. And they wouldn't have to work so hard for their grass here. :D
Katrina - is he polled? I used Genetic Explosion a long time, got some nice cows, rather large though. Don't remember how big they were as calves.

Cert - I'm sure they would LOVE to come eat some of your clover :) But you have to come get them :wink:
katrina said:
Oh dear lord please don't tell me he is a wreck for calving... :shock:
I've never had a calf out of Blue Blood. Boyd's are not known for easy calving bulls though. I don't care for their stock real well. And I wouldn't use any of Boyd's stock on my heifers even if I KNEW they could pass a buick. Just my opinion here Katrina, no science behind it. Good luck to ya. Let us know how it works out for ya.

And I believe that Blue Blood is scurred. He was shown in the horned show in Denver because Boyd removed the scurrs without proper documentation.
Personally, I think he looks like he ran headlong into a wall.
I guess I'm suppost to thank you......... :? We don't care if he is scurred or not as we have horned herefords.... His semen is selling for 30 bucks a pop now. So someone likes him..... Time will tell.......
The birthweight on Blue Blood isn't all that bad (82 lbs), but if you use epd's, both his BW & CED aren't all that great for heifers. I'd certainly watch them close at calving time, Katrina. We've never used him because of the horned genetics on the sire side but I like the maternal side of his pedigree. I'd like to hear how he works for you.

Nicky, nice pictures & nice cattle. Quite a different environment than we have.

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