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Hello, who's got the biggest and smallest cattle?

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I've been working with my snakes and trying to train them to do tricks. I see there is a new way of doing things around here.HAHA I'm still looking for a 200 or 400 acre ranch for sale cheap so I could get some cattle and raise them for pets and not eat them like some people do. Steak is OK to eat but when they are not my cows. There used to be a rancher on here named rancher that I would like to contact could anybody give me his phone number or e-mail address so that I could find a ranch for some cows. Who has the biggest cattle on here now? I think I would like the smallest cattle because they wouldn't eat so much that I could afford them and keep the little ones they have are so cute and cuddly. Does anyone eat bulls? I think I may have eaten a bull the other night because it was a tough steak and I complained and they brought me another one that was almost as tough. I have moved from Boston to Connecticut and like it as well but would like to move to maybe Texas or Nebraska. Hear they have some nice women in Texas but the women in Nebraska are tough and like to fight. I hate fighting with women because they don't fight fair. Please post on here when someone has a ranch for sale but not in Californa because the environment is getting ruined by ranches and all the manure they have there. How much manure do small cows produce as opposed to large cows? When does cows sh$t become manure at what stage? Are wolves and coyotes still killing yours cows? I have a snake now that is big enough to eat a full grown coyote but will only eat about one a month. He could eat a bucket full of your prairie dogs in one night if I had some to feed him. Do any of you sell them? I could sell prairie dogs on my new ranch when I find one. These rats and mice I buy for my snakes are expensive and not very good. I am not married yet because my girlfriend does not want to live on a ranch she has not seen so if I could show her one she might like it.
HAHAHAHA! This must be the REAL Ramiro of olden days. Nobody else would be able to duplicate your style.
Nice to hear from you again. How old are you now?
If you don't mind my asking.
We've often referred to you over the past years missing your comments.
Hope you find your ranch but give up on the prairiedog idea- or you might get your head blown off!
HAHA, this sounds like a Jake I used to know on here. He is missing from action on this board. This is not the real Ramiro as the bedside manners are too good. Would the real Ramiro please step forward!!!!!! Well back out to finish feeding, stopped in to get some mineral and salt. Weather is great as far as temps go, could use a foot of rain tho. :wink:
I spend time asking questions on here and never get answers and I thought ranchers were supposed to be friendly? I would be friendly if I were a rancher then everyone of my neighbors would answer questions of things I needed to know. Why would you ask my age is it any of your business? Hope you fall out of the 13 floor bathroom into a toilet. And Jake is a dumb name I would be a Jack before I was a Jake.
Ramiro said:
I spend time asking questions on here and never get answers and I thought ranchers were supposed to be friendly? I would be friendly if I were a rancher then everyone of my neighbors would answer questions of things I needed to know. Why would you ask my age is it any of your business? Hope you fall out of the 13 floor bathroom into a toilet. And Jake is a dumb name I would be a Jack before I was a Jake.

hey now....
Ramiro, where was your grandfather living? Sorry folks you can't find archives to get the answer for that one.
My grandfather was born in Uruguay and had cows in Mexico. Which grandfather? Most people have two grandfathers you know and some have more. Are you people real ranchers or just faking? At least on the snake/reptile forum when we ask a question of some people they answer it if they have an answer. right or wrong
Ramiro said:
My grandfather was born in Uruguay and had cows in Mexico. Which grandfather? Most people have two grandfathers you know and some have more. Are you people real ranchers or just faking? At least on the snake/reptile forum when we ask a question of some people they answer it if they have an answer. right or wrong

Where's the snake/reptile forum? My kids have a gecko.
Sounds like the real Ramiro to me. I remember actually that he said a long time ago his grandfather's ranch was in Mexico.
Sorry I questioned your age. My curiosity you know. :oops:
Anyway, hi again and welcome despite the toilet reference.
Fall out of the 13th floor bathroom into a toilet? That was funny!!! Have a good day all and thanks for reading from Canada!

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