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Hey OT, about that state run lunch program


Well-known member
Apr 12, 2008
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real world
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
OT, the kid is not in the program, she does not eat the cafeteria lunches, she brings a bag lunch from home

The school is in the program...If she attends the school she is under the program....

make sure you read the USDA statement after the letter.

"lunches brought from home not meeting USDA guidelines", how can that be, the USDA does not regulate "sack lunches"

So the school gets re-imbursement, but still charges the parents?

sounds like some fraud going on to me.

Why didn't you post this form letter OT, to show that it was an isolated incident.

Oldtimer said:
The rest of the story- I'm sure this was just inadvertently overlooked by the Hypocrit.... :wink: :roll:


Just the Facts: State vs. Federal School Nutrition Programs
Posted by Courtney Rowe, Press Secretary, USDA, on February 16, 2012 at 1:21 PM

In the past 24 hours, we’ve seen a lot of chatter online regarding a story from North Carolina in which a pre-school student’s lunch was deemed “unhealthy.” We’d like to set the record straight.

As established by law, USDA promotes healthier lifestyles for our nation’s school children through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The Department sets science-based nutritional standards for and oversees State administration of schools that choose to participate in these national programs. In exchange for meeting those standards, USDA provides reimbursement and other resources to schools so that children get the nutrition they need to learn, thrive and grow.

USDA does not, however, regulate sack lunches or any other food children bring from home to eat at school. That is a responsibility for parents, not the federal government. The incident in North Carolina involved local education officials and a State-run nutrition program, and USDA had no involvement.

You do not really think that oldtimer will actually post an objective view on anything do you!!!
He deletes information that does not agree with his view, then does not post links to the information...
here is the problem.. every one is "claiming" to not be wrong.. to not have interfered ..

but clearly if the school is "graded" on the lunches and has outlined a program to correct the problem by "mandating" the packed lunches be supplemented.. so they can comply with the state and get a better grade...

the result is a federal government mandating compliance to a guideline.. but doesn't have the balls to say it is a mandate..

a state who mandates the federal guidelines are met and grades schools on compliance.

or a school who follows the mandates and passes the requirements on to the parents.. , yet doesn't have the balls to say it just followed it's own rules..

seems to me like a bunch of sheeple or as OT would say D cult, with out the guts to actually think..

then who is really to blame..

is it really their fault if they lack common sense?

what is the point of setting guidelines, if you turn them into requirements and still let the child dump it in the trash?

how much money is wasted by putting food on a plate the child will not eat.

this is the problem with liberals and their misguided do-goody attitude..

while we all want a child to be "offered" nutritional food.. most know unless you tell a child she is going to eat it.. most won't..

so why set unrealistic goals that in reality will not be met by a mandated program.. unless the nanny has the courage to force a child to eat..

and they don't have the guts to stand up to a four year old and tell them to eat the darn peas.. so really the whole program is a waste of time and effort..
hypocritexposer said:
Just the Facts: State vs. Federal School Nutrition Programs
Posted by Courtney Rowe, Press Secretary, USDA, on February 16, 2012 at 1:21 PM

In the past 24 hours, we’ve seen a lot of chatter online regarding a story from North Carolina in which a pre-school student’s lunch was deemed “unhealthy.” We’d like to set the record straight.

As established by law, USDA promotes healthier lifestyles for our nation’s school children through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The Department sets science-based nutritional standards for and oversees State administration of schools that choose to participate in these national programs. In exchange for meeting those standards, USDA provides reimbursement and other resources to schools so that children get the nutrition they need to learn, thrive and grow.

USDA does not, however, regulate sack lunches or any other food children bring from home to eat at school. That is a responsibility for parents, not the federal government. The incident in North Carolina involved local education officials and a State-run nutrition program, and USDA had no involvement.

Yep just like the long thread shows-- this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it- but just a local incident of a misadvised move by a teacher that probably meant well....

And what was shown in that thread is that there have been Federal food programs and guidelines since 1946 (blame Truman :???: )- and that they were followed differently by about every poster on heres own local state and school district....And that many of the guidelines were much more harshly and strictly enforced in differing areas and eras- even as long ago as 50-60 years ago....

Soo much for that "the world is coming to an end" conspiracy..... :roll:
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Just the Facts: State vs. Federal School Nutrition Programs
Posted by Courtney Rowe, Press Secretary, USDA, on February 16, 2012 at 1:21 PM

In the past 24 hours, we’ve seen a lot of chatter online regarding a story from North Carolina in which a pre-school student’s lunch was deemed “unhealthy.” We’d like to set the record straight.

As established by law, USDA promotes healthier lifestyles for our nation’s school children through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The Department sets science-based nutritional standards for and oversees State administration of schools that choose to participate in these national programs. In exchange for meeting those standards, USDA provides reimbursement and other resources to schools so that children get the nutrition they need to learn, thrive and grow.

USDA does not, however, regulate sack lunches or any other food children bring from home to eat at school. That is a responsibility for parents, not the federal government. The incident in North Carolina involved local education officials and a State-run nutrition program, and USDA had no involvement.

Yep just like the long thread shows-- this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it- but just a local incident of a misadvised move by a teacher that probably meant well....

And what was shown in that thread is that there have been Federal food programs and guidelines since 1946 (blame Truman :???: )- and that they were followed differently by about every poster on heres own local state and school district....And that many of the guidelines were much more harshly and strictly enforced in differing areas and eras- even as long ago as 50-60 years ago....

Soo much for that "the world is coming to an end" conspiracy..... :roll:

the letter sent to the child's mother clearly states they were following USDA guidelines, which state programs are obliged to follow, to get their "freebies"
Oldtimer said:
hypocritexposer said:
Just the Facts: State vs. Federal School Nutrition Programs
Posted by Courtney Rowe, Press Secretary, USDA, on February 16, 2012 at 1:21 PM

In the past 24 hours, we’ve seen a lot of chatter online regarding a story from North Carolina in which a pre-school student’s lunch was deemed “unhealthy.” We’d like to set the record straight.

As established by law, USDA promotes healthier lifestyles for our nation’s school children through the National School Lunch and Breakfast Program. The Department sets science-based nutritional standards for and oversees State administration of schools that choose to participate in these national programs. In exchange for meeting those standards, USDA provides reimbursement and other resources to schools so that children get the nutrition they need to learn, thrive and grow.

USDA does not, however, regulate sack lunches or any other food children bring from home to eat at school. That is a responsibility for parents, not the federal government. The incident in North Carolina involved local education officials and a State-run nutrition program, and USDA had no involvement.

Yep just like the long thread shows-- this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it- but just a local incident of a misadvised move by a teacher that probably meant well....

And what was shown in that thread is that there have been Federal food programs and guidelines since 1946 (blame Truman :???: )- and that they were followed differently by about every poster on heres own local state and school district....And that many of the guidelines were much more harshly and strictly enforced in differing areas and eras- even as long ago as 50-60 years ago....

Soo much for that "the world is coming to an end" conspiracy..... :roll:

" Barnes [the school principal] confirmed there was an agent from Department of Health and Human Services’ Division of Child Development and Early Education at the school Jan. 30 who examined six student lunches and determined one did not make the nutritional cut — presumably the first little girl whose story made news."
this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it

this is funny.. you really don't get it do you?...

no one said ..Obama stole the kids lunch.. we all said.. it was more of the same old government intrusion crap..

that same government that always seems to know better then the parent.. yet lacks the common sense to know what the law intended..

it is just another clear example of a government busybody overriding a decent parents decision and in the end.. the results is worse then the "crime"

she took in a decent well rounded lunch.. and was fed cardboard nuggets..

all because of the government nanny state..
Steve said:
this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it

this is funny.. you really don't get it do you?...

no one said ..Obama stole the kids lunch.. we all said.. it was more of the same old government intrusion crap..

that same government that always seems to know better then the parent.. yet lacks the common sense to know what the law intended..

it is just another clear example of a government busybody overriding a decent parents decision and in the end.. the results is worse then the "crime"

she took in a decent well rounded lunch.. and was fed cardboard nuggets..

all because of the government nanny state..

And its been going on for at least 57 years (in my situation anyway)....About the same for some others that posted..And we seem to have survived it without too many major traumatic problems- and the world hasn't quit spinning... :roll: :wink: :lol:
Oldtimer said:
Steve said:
this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it

this is funny.. you really don't get it do you?...

no one said ..Obama stole the kids lunch.. we all said.. it was more of the same old government intrusion crap..

that same government that always seems to know better then the parent.. yet lacks the common sense to know what the law intended..

it is just another clear example of a government busybody overriding a decent parents decision and in the end.. the results is worse then the "crime"

she took in a decent well rounded lunch.. and was fed cardboard nuggets..

all because of the government nanny state..

And its been going on for at least 57 years (in my situation anyway)....About the same for some others that posted..And we seem to have survived it without too many major traumatic problems- and the world hasn't quit spinning... :roll: :wink: :lol:

so you support government intrusion. like that is really a big surprise..
Oldtimer said:
Steve said:
this was no major Obama/Federal government induced take over the world type conspiracy as some biased partisan folks like you tried to make it

this is funny.. you really don't get it do you?...

no one said ..Obama stole the kids lunch.. we all said.. it was more of the same old government intrusion crap..

that same government that always seems to know better then the parent.. yet lacks the common sense to know what the law intended..

it is just another clear example of a government busybody overriding a decent parents decision and in the end.. the results is worse then the "crime"

she took in a decent well rounded lunch.. and was fed cardboard nuggets..

all because of the government nanny state..

And its been going on for at least 57 years (in my situation anyway)....About the same for some others that posted..And we seem to have survived it without too many major traumatic problems- and the world hasn't quit spinning... :roll: :wink: :lol:

We all drank raw milk and SURVIVED too but the other day there were reports of the Federal Government carrying out a sting operation to catch a amish farmer selling guess what? RAW MILK :roll:

We probably all got a paddlin or two while growing up and survived it too but don't even think about swatting a child that is misbehaving now.

Things have changed ALOT since you grew up Oldtimer and we have the friggin nanny state we all live in now to blame on the Liberal left that think they know better than parents what is good for THEIR CHILDREN. :x
Nope, no concentration of control has happened since the 40s and 50s

In 1940 there were over 117,000 school districts in the United States, but by 1990 the number had decreased to just over 15,000. The states also became much more responsible for financing education. In 1940 local property taxes financed 68 percent of public school expenses, while the states contributed 30 percent. In 1990 local districts and states each contributed 47 percent to public school revenues. The federal government provided most of the remaining funds.

And its been going on for at least 57 years (in my situation anyway)....About the same for some others that posted..And we seem to have survived it without too many major traumatic problems- and the world hasn't quit spinning... :roll: :wink: :lol:[/quote]

We all drank raw milk and SURVIVED too but the other day there were reports of the Federal Government carrying out a sting operation to catch a amish farmer selling guess what? RAW MILK :roll:

We probably all got a paddlin or two while growing up and survived it too but don't even think about swatting a child that is misbehaving now.

Things have changed ALOT since you grew up Oldtimer and we have the friggin nanny state we all live in now to blame on the Liberal left that think they know better than parents what is good for THEIR CHILDREN. :x[/quote]

Problem is oldtimer, how many of your lunches were inspected????
In my 70 plus years this is the first time i have heard of it!!! not saying it hasn't been done buttttttt.Just too damned many government intrusions led by the likes of YOU

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