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Holiday Greetings . . .

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Maple Leaf Angus said:
Hope you all south of the border have a great Independence Day celebration. Remember to count the blessings brought by freedom today.

Thank you Maple Leaf Angus,We will definently be counting as its be a high price to pay for this stuff we call "freedom".Every body around here has got the refreshments on ice and the pits smoking,IM gonna head down the road in a while visit some old vets around the voluteer fire house.........good luck
Thanks Maple, I hope you had a good Canada Day. I wanted to put my son's award winning speech on Ranchers Net, but he downloaded in on an apple and I run IBM, so if we can figure it out i will post it. The tipic this year was: A great American Time. He wrote on the time of the signing and writing of the Decoration of Independence and the men who wrote it. Wondrful speech and I thought deserving of the recongnition. Anyway happy Fourth of July everyone!!!!!!SALUTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I opened this topic up thinking it was going to be about Christmas. Holiday greetings isn't usually said concerning 4th of July, but that's okay. No one knows what date exactly Jesus was born, so Merry possible Christmas as well as 4th of July everybody!
Sierraman said:
I opened this topic up thinking it was going to be about Christmas. Holiday greetings isn't usually said concerning 4th of July, but that's okay. No one knows what date exactly Jesus was born, so Merry possible Christmas as well as 4th of July everybody!

Well, I didn't mean to lead you astray, Sierraman. But hey, go chill! :)
You always lived in Canada, Maple Leaf Angus? I have never been there, always been in the U.S.A.
Sierraman said:
You always lived in Canada, Maple Leaf Angus? I have never been there, always been in the U.S.A.

Yup, lived here all of my life.

But I've done better than you at travelling across the border. My Grandmother came from New York State so as a kid we would get down there quit frequently to visit cousins in Upstate N.Y. Haven't for about 10 years or more now.

Since then we've been to Mississippi a time or two, as well as down Hwy. 101 through Oregon (the redwoods are awesome) and CA. to Redding and across Nev. and Utah and whatever comes next when you're heading east. Man it's a long drive, especially when you've got 4 little kids! :cry2: :? :) Did that twice, once in '78 when I was single and again in '93. (I should keep the record straight and mention that I had no kids in '78!!!)

But we would stop and visit farmers and ranchers along the way just out of the blue and got to know some interesting people. I always liked meeting people and therefore we weren't strangers very long. While some of them, like the guy in Nevada, took a while to warm up, every one of the folks we met out there were fine, friendly, hospitable people.

I hate to think that some of the ranchers we met would be any less friendly because we stood on opposite sides of an opinion now. To me, it is not worth destoying a relationship over politics and /or money. But I guess it can happen.

If you or any other person on this board would be travelling up this way, I would sure be happy to have you drop in for a visit and a bite to eat. Doesn't matter what your stripe is.

I also had to wonder if Oldtimer was the *@#**^ sheriff that gave me the speeding ticket in Montana! :mad:
Maple Leaf Angus said:
I also had to wonder if Oldtimer was the *@#**^ sheriff that gave me the speeding ticket in Montana! :mad:

:lol: :lol: Wasn't me MLF--Never wrote a speeding ticket in my life- I was always too busy working the real crimes out there--altho I probably deserved one once or twice myself, except most Highway Patrolmen were sleeping when we were working...I and a DEA agent drove 100mph one night from Glasgow to Plentywood (Tam and Big Muddy's country) at 2 AM dodging cows and deer on the road when our undercover said he had a buy on a couple ounces of coke in two hours- made it in time to photo the transaction and go home... Chased a bunch of Canadians around the border (actually all over both the US and Canadian side) for a couple of days with the Mounties one time that gave us the biggest marijuana bust that the state ever had- we caught them ( in Billings ) with 3-600 lb bales of BC Bud-- and we knew they had dropped another bale that we never found ( altho I found out later that it was probably eaten by deer and cows that spring)... Spent a couple weeks on the dark side of the tracks in Omaha undercover :? , wondering if I would ever get out alive- wised up and got promoted to safer things like corporate and white collar investigations- Then really wised up and decided to be the boss and run for Sheriff--Was actually more fun on the steet than in the office tho :wink:

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